August Wallpaper

The August wallpaper features Kevin Wenzke with a ollie to fakie under some bridge near Liege, Belgium. Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop. We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month. Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

Bergfest 2011 footage

The Volcom Bergfest 2011 was a great sucsess, with great weather, lots of skaters from all over
Germany, Europe and even some U.S. contestants.
The great day ended with gigs by McRad and Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs.
Check out the video and pics. More info here:

Ben Hatchell – stalefish – friday warmup session – 1st place

Robin Mentrup – indy air – contest day – 2nd place

Robbie Brockel – bs air – friday warmup session – 3rd place

Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs



1. Ben Hatchell (21) Manassas, USA

2. Robin Mentrup (18) Münster, GER

3. Robbie Brockel (21) Phoenix, USA

4. Jarne Verbrüggen (18) Mechelen, BEL

5. Lennart Efsing (23) Düsseldorf, GER


1. Anders Tellen (42) Dortmund, GER

2. Thilo Nawrocki (38) Düsseldorf, GER

3. Jason Parkes (41) Kehl, GER

4. Matt Grabowski (35) Zadrau, GER

5. Tobias Springborn (37) Castrop, GER

6. Dave Toms (43) Malmö, SWE

June Wallpapers

As we missed the May Wallpaper last month we´ll have two wallpapers for June.

The 1st June wallpaper features Hugo Wallduff with a
nose grind in Göteborg, Sweden. Photo:
Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop.
We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month.
Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

The 2nd June wallpaper features Börn Klotz with a
lipslide over the channle of the old Monster Bowl in Münster. Photo:
Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop.
We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month.
Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

Worth watching! Camerabag.TV

If you´re into photography than you should check out
Camerabag.TV features videos with photogarphers Patrick O’Dell, Tim Barber, Brad Elterman, Jimmy Fontaine, Frank Ockenfels, Magdalena Wosinksa, Dan Martensen and gives you some insight on their work.

Patrick O’Dell from on Vimeo.

Photo Exhibiton “shins & cheeks” – 96 european Skateboarder

Photographer JO HEMPEL send some info about his latest photo exhibition.
Check it out.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dears friends and family

The fotoproject

“shins & cheeks” – 96 european Skateboarder

will be shown in Bonn/Germany beginning 04.30.2011

The exhibition will be displayed in various other places during the year.
All information can be found on the homepage at the end of the easter holidays.

Liebe Grüße/ all the best

Jo Hempel

BAILGUN issue #12 is online now!!!

Check out issue #12 of Bailgun Magazine with 142 pages featuring the Malmö Ultra Bowl II,
the Filip Labovich interview, studio talk with Claus Grabke, an interview with filmmaker DD Wallauer,
a photo journey through Detroid, a vistit to the Bloom art fair and an interview with the Skateboardmuseum curators Jürgen Blümlein and Daniel Schmid and a spotcheck finishes of this issue.
Your Bailgun Team

Zine Thing

Got some cool zines recently that are worth checking out:

Plem Plem is a Zine from Sergej Vutuc who does a lot of art projects and collaborates with a
lot of national and international artists/skaters.
Plem Plem #3 features photos of Jonathan Hay, Nils Svenson, Marcel Veldman to name a few.

“On your own risk” features photos of the construction of the Skate and BMX Appartment in Heilbronn. There is a also a cool video.

Transit is a retrospective about the skatescene in east and west Berlin around ´89 /90.

Anzeige Berlin
is a cool zine that fits in your pocket or can be viewed online and features the Berlin skate scene.