November wallpapers

The November wallpapers features Jürgen Horrwarth with a backside ollie over the hip at Betonhausen in Berlin and Carl Wilson with a fs bluntslide over the stairs in Malmö. Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop. We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month. Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

August Wallpaper

The August wallpaper features Kevin Wenzke with a ollie to fakie under some bridge near Liege, Belgium. Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop. We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month. Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

June Wallpapers

As we missed the May Wallpaper last month we´ll have two wallpapers for June.

The 1st June wallpaper features Hugo Wallduff with a
nose grind in Göteborg, Sweden. Photo:
Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop.
We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month.
Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.

The 2nd June wallpaper features Börn Klotz with a
lipslide over the channle of the old Monster Bowl in Münster. Photo:
Just click on the image to see the large version and save it on your desktop.
We´ll update the Wallpapers section with images from the Bailgun calendar every month.
Also check out some of the older Wallpapers here.