#throwbackthursday Max Schaaf, Monty grind up the extention at Berkeley Vert from his Bailgun Mag interview a little while ago. @4q69 #berkeleyvert #halfpipe #ramp #skateboarding #bailgun #gerdrieger.com
#flashbackfriday Duane Peters rocking at the Bergfest a few years ago. #bergfest #bergfidel #monsterbowl ##duanepeters #masterofdisaster #gig #concert #music #bailgun #gerdrieger.com @monsterbowl @dpdisaster
Mike Watt and Ill Sogno Del Marinaio at the Gleis-22 a couple days ago. Rad gig and if you missed it, you definitely missed out. #gleis22 gig #concert #live #mikewatt #music #gerdrieger.com #bailgun @wattfrompedro @illsognodelmarinaio @gleis22
#flashbackfriday Hunter Okano – ollie north at Judkin park, Seattle, 2014. @_3hunner #bailgun #skateboarding #concrete #pool #bowl #gerdrieger.com
#flashbackfriday with Flower at Eyks Bowl, somewhere in northern Germany. #bailgun #pool #bowl #skateboarding #diy #gerdrieger.com
#throwbackthursday with Wrex Cook and an invert on the pillar at Roxborough skatepark, 2014. The photo was on the cover of Bailgun issue 18. @mtpoolz #Bailgun #skateboarding #handplant #concrete #skatepark #colorado #gerdrieger.com
Bergfest 2016
Bergfest 2016
This years Bergfest was a small one, just a relexed session with friends
on a nice and sunny Sunday just before Winter is kicking in the not too distant future.
Some people were wondering why there wasn´t a fully scale Bergfest, well if you´ve ever organized an event the answer is easy,
it´s a whole lotta work and sometimes there needs to be a little break to make future plans.
So stay tuned for next year and enjoy the photos from last weekend.
Koloss in pink, Markus Koch with a classic stand up grind.
OMSA rider Tony was ripping some smith grinds.
Local shredder Tom, perfect front feeble through the corner.
Mint Mind at the Bailgun studio a few moments before they hit the stage at the Zentrale a few weeks ago. #zentrale #mint-mind #band #music #gig #concert #portrait #gerdrieger.com
Konzert Zentrale
Mint Mind, Andalucia and Heim rocked the Zentrale in Münster a couple weeks ago.
Here´s some pics from a rad evening with some good music.
Thanks to the Zentrale team and the bands for a fun evening.
Photography by gerdrieger.com
Mind Mint in the Bailgun studio a few moments before the gig