#flashbackfriday #fastplantfriday Anders Tellen proper fastplant on the extention of the Unna ramp a while back. @anders_tellen #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #bailgun #gerdrieger.com #unna
#throwbackthursday Rick Mc Phail in his studio a couple weeks ago. #mintmind #tocotronic #studio #music #guitar #sound #gerdrieger.com #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Ffej invert at the Beeble Bowl 2014. Thanks for the session @beeblefakie , hope to be back next year. #pool #bowl #diy #concrete #ffej @instaffej #invert #gerdrieger.com
Photoshoot for Recycling-In-Pieces with Marie the other day. Check out some cool new stuff from Alex @recycling_in_pieces www.recyclinginpieces.de #äxelette #recyclinginpieces #fashion #diy #bailgun #gerdrieger.com
Party at the Zentrale yesterday was a rager!!! #bierenergie #schmiersuff #zentrale #blackheavenskateshop #koloss #bailgun
December is here with Johannes Haist and a very stylish bs blunt at the Mannheim skatepark. @joe.anus #skateboarding #bowl #pool #concrete #bailgun #gerdrieger.com
#flashbackfriday Thilo Nawrocki, bs bluntslide in Unna few years ago. Triple exposure on film!!! #bailgun #gerdrieger.com #35mm #analog #photography #tripleexposure #skateboarding #miniramp
#throwbackthursday Lewis of Kitty, Daisy and Lewis on stage at the Hot Jazz Club in Münster, 2012 #kdl #kittydaisyandlewis #hotjazzclub #live #gig #concert #bailgun #gerdrieger.com @kittydaisyandlewis
Two great @theskateboardmag issues a sad one and a rad one. Thanks to JL and @urbansupplies for the support. #theskateboardmag #print #skateboarding #magazine #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Ray Barbee jamming at the Bright in Berlin a few years ago. #bailgun #gerdrieger.com #raybarbee @r.barbee #gig #live #music #gig
#throwbackthursday Cover of Bailgun Mag issue 19. #Concrete #love #liebe #beton #skatepark #bailgun #gerdrieger.com
The Stanley Kubrick Archive, a must have if you’re into film and photography. This is the small version and it’s very affortable. #stanleykubrick #kubrick #taschenverlag #book #print #bailgun
Gordon Parks photo exhibition at CO-Berlin today. Well worth checking out. #gordonparks #photography #exhibition #coberlin #bailgun #gerdrieger.com @coberlin
Icke & Er at the Columbia Halle yesterday. #ickeunder #columbiahalle #gig #konzert #theskyisthehimmel #bailgun #gerdrieger.com
#flashbackfriday Vincent Goozen nose bock over a bench in his livingroom a while back. #vincentgoozen #skateboarding #bailgun