Beule’s dog Govi, best dog ever! RIP. #freebeule #govi #dog #analog #eos1n #filmphotography #35mm #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday another one of Beule. Indy air above the old metal vert ramp at the Rheinaue in Bonn. Check out for Info about hin and how to help. #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #indyair #gunnair #bonn #rheinaue #freebeule #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Free Beule!!! Help a friend in need. Jeder Euro zählt!!! Mehr Info wie ihr ihn unterstützen könnt hier: @freebeule #beule #govi #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Free Beule!!! Help a friend in need. Jeder Euro zählt!!! Mehr Info wie ihr ihn unterstützen könnt hier: @freebeule #beule #govi #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Chris Aström kickflip from bank over fence in Copenhagen, DK, 2006 #skateboarding #ollie #kickflip #streetskate #copenhagen #adio #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday A young Tom Schulze ollie from bump to bowl at Mellowpark in Berlin, 2012. #skateboarding #bowl #concrete #diy #mellowpark #ollie #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
And now something totally different… shot an avocado today. #avocado #avo #avolove #avocadoplant #homegrown #stillife #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Double trouble with Ruari Britee hanging a lien air over Tim Biksterveld’s grind at Ultra Bowl VI, Malmö, SE,2014. #skateboarding #pool #bowl #ultrabowl #skatemalmo #concrete #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday found this little gem the other day. Thrasher Mag from the mid 90’s with me doing an indy air, yeah I used to skate?. Cool to share the page with Sluggo doing a frontside gay twist. Thanks to Helge for shooting and sending it in and thanks to Thrasher for running it. @thrashermag @helgetscharn9321 #indyair #gunnair #bailgun #vert #skateboarding #halfpipe
Party with @koloss_skateboards at the Zentrale tonight. #bierenergie And #schmiersuff inclusive!!! #kolossskateboards #zentrale #blackheavenskateshop #bailgun
#flashbackfriday on tour through southern France and Spain ca. 2003, we discovered this pont in a park in Perpinon and Westermann found some good lines. Backside ollie over part of a tree. #ollie #backsideollie #jtair #skateboarding #concrete #duckpont #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Matt Grabowski backside grinding the deathbox at the kidney pool at the skatepark in Mostoles, Spain, 2004. #minusramps #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #deathbox #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
There’s not many Bailgun calendar-notebooks left, get yours now! Just grab one at the @blackheaven_skateshop in Münster or get it with an online order at @koloss_skateboards or @blackheaven_skateshop or send PM to get a copy. #bailgun #magazine #zine #calendar #notebook #print #printisnotdead #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #pool #bowl #concrete #gerdriegerphotography
New Bailgun shirts available now! And if you think a shirt is a little cold for the cold weather then just grab one of the @recycling_in_pieces beanies and keep your head warm. Send PM for more info. Thanks to Alex for modeling in the frosty Bailgun studio and @juliluft for the great design and @sepiar for printing #bailgun #shirt #tshirt #clothing #fashion #streetwear #recylinginpieces
#flashbackfriday Remy Stratton, double exposure of a tailgrab nosegrind from low to high at the Volcom bowl, 2004 #remystratton #volcom #vert #skateboarding #ramp #bowl #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography #filmphotography #analog #eos1n
#throwbackthursday Charlie Martin stalefishing high above the main quarter pipe at the Ultra Bowl 2015, Sibbarp park, Malmö. #skatemalmo #skateboarding #contest #ultrabowl #sibbarp #bryggeriet #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Alex Perelson, stylish lien air at VAX, 2016. Looks like there’s more media on the deck than skaters… #vertattack #bryggeriet #skatemalmo #halfpipe #skateboarding #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Steven Bailey floats a frontside ollie in a Baja square a few years ago. #stevenbailey #bailey #ollie #pool #bowl #concrete #backyardpool #baja #skateboarding #consolidatedskateboards #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Tom front blunt at the Berg the other day. Trying to get some reflections in the pic. It kinda worked… #bergfidel #monsterbowl #poo #bowl #concrete #snakerun #reflection ctions #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Pat Ngoho backside air at the yard a few years ago. Thanks @risksk8 for the rad session, hope to be back someday. #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography