Bailgun Mag issue #23 online now. Check out the Lester Kasai interview. Lester seen here with a frontside ollie over the hip at Poods Park im Encinitas. Layout and design of issue 23 by @robertrieger #bailgun #magazine #zine #skateboarding #lesterkasai #interview #ollie #pool #bowl #concrete #gerdriegerphotography
Bailgun Mag issue #23 is online now. Layout and design by @robertrieger Check out Steven Bailey‘s full interview here: Bailey with an ollie over the hip at Valley Center, Ca. #bailgun #magazine #zine #bailey #interview #consolidatedskateboards #ollie #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete
It’s Sunday, back to work. #work #zentrale #keyboard #computer #tech #stilllife #bailgun #magazine
#flashbackfriday Andre Neubert, wallride in Dortmund a few or more years ago. Shot on film with a Pentax 6×7 #skateboarding #street #wallride #minusramps #pentax67 #6×7 #mediumformat #analog #filmphotography #ilford #hp5 #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Cory Juneau with a massive FSA at the La Kantera Bowl-o-Rama contest 2014. #lakantera #gexto #algorta #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #coryjuneau #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
We’ll be watching the Bunker77 documentary at the Zentrale tomorrow, big screen and everything. Come on over and Grab a beer. #zentrale #bunker77 #bailgun #kolossskateboards
Gonna shoot some film with these two really soon!!! #pentax67 #6×7 #120 #mediumformat #nikonosv #35mm #blackandwhite #filmphotography #ilford #hp5 #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download: In case you missed getting the 2018 Calendar Notebook, you can download a high res version of the calendar spread, print it out your self or bring it to a print shop of your choice and have them do it and hang it on your wall. Enjoy. January and February spreads are online now.
Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download
Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download
In case you missed getting the 2018 Calendar Notebook, you can download a high res version of the calendar spread, print it out your self or bring it to a print shop of your choice and have them do it.
Just click on the image and save it to your desktop. January and Febuary online now! Enjoy.
March 2018 – Jeff Hedges, flapped over tuckknee invert, Verkeley Ramp, Berkeley, Ca.
February 2018 – Jürgen Horrwarth, Frontside air, Point Cook skatepark, OZ
January 2018 – Ben Schroeder, grind into the channel at Vert Attack VIII