Getxo Bowl-A-Rama 2014 pt.-4

Friday 2014.09.05 – Day 5 at the Getxo Bowl-A-Rama 2014

Pre contest day was another hot day at the beach so Chris Russell took it easy and did a couple warm-up runs in the half pipe as everybody was waiting for the paint to dry in the pool. Shoeless fronside invert.

Local Alain Goikoetxea has the lines and tricks. Stalefish

Cory Juneau is on fire. He´s been ripping La Kantera with speed and style. Monty grind.

Sky Siljeg combines unique lines and tricks with speed and stlyle. Invert.

Getxo Bowl-A-Rama 2014 pt.-2

Wednesday 2014.09.03 -Day 3 at the Getxo Bowl-A-Rama 2014

The sessions are heating up as we get closer to conest day. The Brazilian crew was killing it, Salba had the lines wired on his first day, Chris Russell smashed some desasters, Rune Gifberg and Giorgio Zattoni were getting their first runs in, Sky Siljeg had crazy lines all over the pool, Cory Juneau was flying head high on his frontside airs and tried a a few 540°s, Alain Goikoetxea showed his local lines and with boardslides around the whole shallow end, high frontside airs, monty grinds, inverts and more.
Livestream is on on Saturday if you can´t make it to the La Kantera pool in Getxo.

Salba – tailslide

Rune Glifberg – smith grind

Omar Hassan – lipslide

Sky Siljeg – grind

Pedro Barros – stalefish higher than most

Huge crowd

Thanks for all the fish

Volcom Bergfest #6 – 2014


On the 25th anniversary of the construction of Berg Fidel skatepark, a 13 year old deconstructed our preconception of how to skate. The Volcom Bergfest 2014 was jam-packed with action, entertainment (ie. Bands such as Svffer), and best of all: high quality skateboarding.
First place went to Tyler Edtmayer, best illustrated during his finals introduction run. This run would have made any seasoned pro totally psyched. He bailed in his first trick, got back up and proceeded to skate at least a full minute in which he landed nearly every trick he ever learned.
Second place went to Kevin Wenzke with giant fs airs and padless eggplants in the deepend. He is so fun to watch skate. Third place and honorable mention goes to Johannes Haist. In qualifiers, he skated his best, EVER, and landed in one run airs of every sort, -padless, btw- inverts, and crailslide-reverts in the deepend.
Special thanks goes out to Volcom, Koloss Skateboards, Rebel Rockers Garage, RIP, Stan, and all of the sponsors.

Photos: Gerd Rieger Text: Lenore Sparks

Kevin Wenzke – head high frontside air into 2nd place.

Tyler Edmayer – backside boneless. He also did 540´s high backside airs and had the longest runs with a ton of tricks to shred into 1st place.

Johannes Haist – 3rd place – lein to tail

The judges: Wolf, Wolfganster ,Toni, Janne, Lenore

Tim Bjisterveld was hurt but had a good time anyway.

Tim Turudija – huge frontside air

Friedrich was skating on edge at all times – lipslide

The Dirty Fences were rocking the stage to end a rad day of skating.

Winners Junior: Christian Müller – Timo Krone – Tim Turudija

Winners A Group: Kevin Wenzke – Tyler Edmyer – Johannes Haist
See you next year.

Bergfest 2012 – Jürgen Horrwarth wins

Jürgen Horrwarth shreds into first place pro at the Bergfest 2012 in Münster with tons of speed and style Jürgen shredded the Monster Bowl to pieces.

If you couldn´t make it to Münster or missed the live stream you can still watch the webcast over here

Last years winner Ben Hatchell took second place with a combination of difficult liptricks and high airs. Third place went to 13 year old Ivan Federics from Italy – look out for this yound gun in the future!

Renton Millar placed fourth with some nice ollies, head high frontside airs in the deep end and smashing madonnas to the coping.
Ben Schroeder supported the judge team with his years of experience.
More in the next Bailgun issue really soon. Stay tuned.

Jürgen Horrwarth grinds the corner in front of the massive crowd at the Bergfest

Renton Millar – trademark fs ollie

Ben Hatchell pops out of a front blunt

Pavel Deathrace winner Christian Krause lien to tail

The Adolescents rocked the stage to top of a great weekend at the Berg

Bergfest 2011 footage

The Volcom Bergfest 2011 was a great sucsess, with great weather, lots of skaters from all over
Germany, Europe and even some U.S. contestants.
The great day ended with gigs by McRad and Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs.
Check out the video and pics. More info here:

Ben Hatchell – stalefish – friday warmup session – 1st place

Robin Mentrup – indy air – contest day – 2nd place

Robbie Brockel – bs air – friday warmup session – 3rd place

Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs



1. Ben Hatchell (21) Manassas, USA

2. Robin Mentrup (18) Münster, GER

3. Robbie Brockel (21) Phoenix, USA

4. Jarne Verbrüggen (18) Mechelen, BEL

5. Lennart Efsing (23) Düsseldorf, GER


1. Anders Tellen (42) Dortmund, GER

2. Thilo Nawrocki (38) Düsseldorf, GER

3. Jason Parkes (41) Kehl, GER

4. Matt Grabowski (35) Zadrau, GER

5. Tobias Springborn (37) Castrop, GER

6. Dave Toms (43) Malmö, SWE