Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download

Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download

In case you missed getting the 2018 Calendar Notebook, you can download a high res version of the calendar spread, print it out your self or bring it to a print shop of your choice and have them do it.
Just click on the image and save it to your desktop. January and Febuary online now! Enjoy.

March 2018 – Jeff Hedges, flapped over tuckknee invert, Verkeley Ramp, Berkeley, Ca.



February 2018 – Jürgen Horrwarth, Frontside air, Point Cook skatepark, OZ

January 2018 – Ben Schroeder, grind into the channel at Vert Attack VIII

Vert Contest

Check out the Campus Ramp Jam:

„to carry on the tradition of Karlsruhes Vert-Contests like the GreenRamp Jam and the Fest-Cups (RIP) we will have the first contest on the Campus-Ramp June 9th, 2012.
The Ramp is located on the Campus of the University of Karlsruhe (KIT).
The ramp is 9 meters wide, 3 meters transition, 0,30 meters vert, 2 opposing extentions with 0,5 meters vert each 2 meters wide, metalcoping, Skatesmart surface.“

Click here for more info