I met Alberto Scattolin in Gexto last week at the Bowl-A-Rama contest and he handed me his zine Blk/Mark to check out.
This issue features the photography of Fabien Ponsero, Jay Delaney, Alberto Scattolin, Sergej Vutuc, Fred Ferand, Julian Furones and Kristijan Smok. It´s all black and white with a good mix of transition, DIY and street footage. It´s all done in nice quality and definitely worth checking out.
For more info or to get a copy check the Blk/Mark website or their FB
Bergfest 2011 footage
The Volcom Bergfest 2011 was a great sucsess, with great weather, lots of skaters from all over
Germany, Europe and even some U.S. contestants.
The great day ended with gigs by McRad and Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs.
Check out the video and pics. More info here: www.bergfidel.com
Ben Hatchell – stalefish – friday warmup session – 1st place
Robin Mentrup – indy air – contest day – 2nd place
Robbie Brockel – bs air – friday warmup session – 3rd place
Duane Peters and the U.S. Bombs
1. Ben Hatchell (21) Manassas, USA
2. Robin Mentrup (18) Münster, GER
3. Robbie Brockel (21) Phoenix, USA
4. Jarne Verbrüggen (18) Mechelen, BEL
5. Lennart Efsing (23) Düsseldorf, GER
1. Anders Tellen (42) Dortmund, GER
2. Thilo Nawrocki (38) Düsseldorf, GER
3. Jason Parkes (41) Kehl, GER
4. Matt Grabowski (35) Zadrau, GER
5. Tobias Springborn (37) Castrop, GER
6. Dave Toms (43) Malmö, SWE
Watch Alain Goikoetxea!
Alain Goikoetxea from entrophy media on Vimeo.
Jürgen Horrwarth presents the "Change of Guard" Tour 2009.
Donald Campbell is throwing his „Best of Both“ contest again.
To see some of last years action check out Bailgun issue 8.1
Don´t miss it.
hey all
we are so ready to host the 2nd anniversary of our „BEST OF BOTH“ contest.
this is a 2 day contest in 2 bowls to determine the ultimate bowl/poolrider
the carhartt factory bowl and the omsa bowl are the benchmarks for the contestants.
we will have a big aftershow party on sat eve with 2 bands ?playing:electric eelshock-straight from the usa and torpedomonkeys coming from the depths
of the ruhrgebiet.
what you see on the flyer is only half of what the venue offers
the biggest privately run indoor toyland in europe is growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tim korbmacher of the carhartt store in düsseldorf is responsible for the 36 ft new megaminiramp and the nightmare ride.
both segments will be ready on contest day.
we do have a 3000 euro prize purse and we do have people who want to kick ass on both days.
expect visitors from all over europe and america to come for this event.
extra bonus contests will be the „SPEEDTRAP“ for the fastest carve done in the nightmare ride
„HIGHEST AIR“ slated to happen in the factory bowl which is freshly renovated with new tiles and a fresh,vibrant color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
both sie-events will be spectacular
please spread the news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you have any questions please mail back to this address or contact me directly:00491775141438
thanks to all who make this thing possible!
donald campbell
pavel skates
Tommy Guerrero Interview
Watch Tommy Guerrero talk about skating and music and more stuff.
Skatopia – "Utopie aus Schanzen"
Brewce Martin shows German journalist around SKATOPIA and explains what it´s all about. Watch the video over at SPIEGEL-ONLINE.
For more footage of Skatopia go to SKATOPIA the MOVIE
Liebe Freunde des Mellowparks,
mit Verständnis und Vertrauen in unsere gewählten Volksvertreter ist jetzt Schluss. Es ist beängstigend, wie mit den Interessen der Kinder und Jugendlichen in unserem Bezirk umgegangen wird. Trotz der eindeutigen politischen Entscheidung den Mellowpark auf dem Gelände um das ehemalige Paul-Zobel-Stadion anzusiedeln, befürworten die verantwortlichen Bezirkspolitiker nicht akzeptable Lösungen. Dabei scheint es so, als ob persönliche Interessen die Durchsetzung des BVV-Beschlusses verhindern.
Um zu zeigen, dass wir uns das nicht gefallen lassen und auf unserem Recht bestehen, müssen wir zur nächsten Bezirksverordnetenversammlung im Rathaus Treptow, am 25.09.2008 unseren Standpunkt deutlich machen. Dazu brauchen wir jeden Mitstreiter! Es ist von elementarer Bedeutung, dass sich am 25.09.2008 mindestens 1.000 Menschen an der Demonstration beteiligen. Es reicht also nicht selbst vorbeizukommen – Nein, jeder von uns muss 10 Leute mobilisieren.
Gleichgültigkeit oder faule Ausreden sind inakzeptabel! Gebt euch einen Ruck, rafft euch auf und setzt ein Zeichen! Gebt den Kindern und Jugendlichen eure Stimme – Der Kampf hat begonnen!
Malmö Bowlrider results 2008
Quiksilver Bowlriders 2008 Results :
2nd Aaron HOMOKI (USA)
3rd Benji GALLOWAY (USA)
4st Andy SCOTT (UK)
5st Ross MCGOURAN (UK)
6st Mathias NYLEN (SWE)
1st Nicky GUERRERO (DEN)
2nd Chris MILLER (USA)
3rd Pat NGOHO (USA)
4st Christian HOSOI (USA)
5st Resee SIMPSON (USA)
Benji Galloway grinds the kindney pool at the Stapelbäddsparken in Malmö.
Kevin Wenzke at the Factory Bowl
Renton Millar tailslide
Thilo ollie
Check out the Black Blog
for a larger view of Thilo´s bs ollie.