Check out Pedro Barros shredding Brazilian concrete:
Berg Fest
The Berg Fest was great – check some more pics at the Berg Fidel Website and at the Aurora-Collective
Photo Contest
You like skateboarding and photography,
then you should check out the „Erste Liebe Photo Contest“
More info about how to enter and about the prizes on the Contest Website
Bailgun Magazine issue #9 is out now!!!
Check out issue #9 of Bailgun Magazine with two road trips to Sweden, a visit of Deanna Templetons photo exhibition at the NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf, a flashback on the COS Cup Bowl series 2008….
Just click through the issue below.
Kevin Wenzke at the Unna mini ramp
DIY Session at Malmö´s Sibbarp Park
There won´t be a Quiksilver contest in Malmö this summer BUT there will be 3 rad events organzied by the locals starting of with a session at the Sibbarp Park.
For more info go to
Malmö D.I.Y 30 may Sibbarp Skatepark from Bryggeriet Skatepark on Vimeo.
Stuttgart Skatepark opening
Skatepark opening in Stuttgart:
Berg Fest – 20 years of the Monster Bowl
The Berg Fidel Skatepark celebrates it´s 20th anniversary with a big skate party.
Bands, BBQ, Skating, Party… Keep updated on BERG
Jürgen Horrwarth rock and rolls into May.
Jeff Grosso interview at Concrete Disciples
The Concrete Disciples did a really good interview with vert legend Jeff Grosso – Don´t miss it!
Skatopia – "Utopie aus Schanzen"
Brewce Martin shows German journalist around SKATOPIA and explains what it´s all about. Watch the video over at SPIEGEL-ONLINE.
For more footage of Skatopia go to SKATOPIA the MOVIE
Skateboarding 4 Life Blog
Chris Eggers long time Karlsruhe local searched his archives of old skate pics from the 80´s and shares some German skate history.
Make sure to to click on the sk8boarding4life blog.
Skateboardpabst Interview in der FAZ
Some interesting facts about the Skateboardpast in an interview in the FAZ
Carhartt Video Spektra
Asphaltsurfer the Trailer
Coming this summer another skate documentary called Asphaltsurfer
looks pretty promising. Check out the trailer here
"My Carhartt Portfolio" Series
Check out the „My Carhartt Portfolio“ of BAILGUN photographer Gerd Rieger
and other photographers over on the Carhartt Site.
The 2009 calendars are still available and make a great xmas present.
Click here to order
or check the preview before
Jürgen Horrwarth bs ollie into the evening sun, Moos. 2008 Calendar.
cos cup bowl 2008
Check out some footage from the C.O.S cup bowl series 2008
Skate Comics
Check out Mark Conahan´s great „Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards“ comic series over at
He even has animated comics now.
Scott Bourne – Cheating on the Metronome
Got this really nice book from Carhartt yesterday.
Just looking at the golden lettering and pages makes wanna hold it in your hands and start reading.
Check out his book tour blog over at Carhartt