Howdy folks, this is the first installment of Bailgun’s „Bandsalat“.
You’ll hear music from pretty much anywhere, from any era and from any genre. Wildly eclectic in other words. We’re going to try to stay away from stuff that everyone already knows about and turn you on to the exotic,
the rare, the forgotten, the far-flung and, yes even the brutal.
So to start with, here’s the one and only album by The Gears, from Huntington Beach, California.
Recorded in 1980, it sounds kind of like a punk record by the Beach Boys, but with some Rockabilly and Blues thrown in. This is the only album they recorded, but it’s a great one. They’ve been playing live around Southern California again lately, so if you get the chance to see them, you should do so.
Until next time, this is Bandsalat, saying „So Long“.