Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download

Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download

In case you missed getting the 2018 Calendar Notebook, you can download a high res version of the calendar spread, print it out your self or bring it to a print shop of your choice and have them do it.
Just click on the image and save it to your desktop. January and Febuary online now! Enjoy.

March 2018 – Jeff Hedges, flapped over tuckknee invert, Verkeley Ramp, Berkeley, Ca.



February 2018 – Jürgen Horrwarth, Frontside air, Point Cook skatepark, OZ

January 2018 – Ben Schroeder, grind into the channel at Vert Attack VIII

50.000 Days 0f Skateboarding with Wolfganster

50 000 days of non stop Skateboarding – The Wolf is howling at the Pool
Or how can time fly so fast?

The host, the OG Wolfganster taking care of the BBQ.
Thanks for the invite and a great session.









Max Strauß made smith grinds over the stairs look easy, but they are, not belive me.

Words by Wolfganster

Photography by Gerd Rieger

It´s time to give something back………….but first a little flashback to the beginings.

1976 I found the German Skateboard Magazin at the newsstand in our supermarket, but my inner voice was not loud enough.

1977 my inner voice yelled so loud at me in the supermarket that I could not resist anymore and had to buy this plasticboard with super hard and open bearing wheels.

This is how it started, so many years of total madness rolling every day.

Not even even freezing cold, wind, rain, snow or black ice could stop me.
This was pre transition skating so it was mostly bombing steep hills, high and long jump, slalom and freestyle. We basically streetskated, but that term wasn´t invented yet.

Then I skated the first Skatepark, got the first Skateboarder Magazin from the US and
seeing them all skate vertical was mindblowing to say the least.

The first time skating a halfpipe and as we were there by ourselves it wasn´t easy to really figure out how to do it. Even just to push fakie was hard to imagine, funny isn´t it?
We had not seen anyone do it, just the pics in the magazines and yes, skatevideos came out way later.

Back then grinds where the hardest….today skateboarding is on another level.
So after the first experience with a halfpipe I was totally hooked.
The closest one was 50km, in winter time the closest inddor ramp was 150km one way away. And I did not even have a drivers licence yet, but that could not stop me.

If you´re infected you will do anything for it.
So I saved all my money only to being able to go skating and travel.
England was high on the list, it had some of the few good concrete parks in Europe back then. But also traveling all over Europe and skating rad spots and meeting the skaters and making friends was an experience not to be missed.
The trip to California (the heaven back then) and Florida, was a definite dream and being able to skate the spots with the guys you only knew from the mags was a the best!

And then at the end of the 80´s I had a real bad accident, so no skating for a year and no more lefthand grabs for a long time. I also became a father which made me stop skating halfpipes. But around that time miniramps came up and saved my live. Soon after the first pools and bowls were being built here in Germany and that sparked my fire again and

I started to travel more than ever and have skated so many places all over the world.
Yes, you all should go out – travel somewhere that’s the best experience for everything in life ever.

I could sit here and write funny skateboard stories for hours, but what I wanted to do is give back a little after skateboarding gave me so much over all the years.
So the idea came up the invite friends and everybody who loves skating for a session and give out some stuff to the hardest rippers at the end of the day.

I opend my box of skateboarding stuff for prices, bought a lot of beer and food for the BBQ and lets have a BIG fun session with prices to support also the younger ones and make them more fun to skate.


On sunday some had a nice hangover sesssion at IGS skateoark,
Wolfgangster grinding it down

Casulal sunday afternoon sweeper by Linus Lonnemann

And special thanks goes out to the after session with:
Camdon Davis, Erik Möller, Robert Wolff, Henri v. Stanislavski, Richie Löffler and some more friends
It Was totally Rad and we screamed YEAH all the time as long our voice was working
And last but not least i have to thank
Rick Arthur Mc Phail for being a great DJ with very BEST 80´s Punk + New Wave collection, exaclty what I wanted!!!

And not to forget Jörg Ludewig from Urban Supplies and www-ing-direct Skateboard-Versand,
Johan Fründ from Koloss Skateboards, for the support and sponsering some cool stuff.
Stephan Piepke and Dieter Fronius for judding,
Gerd Rieger for doing his Bailgun thing and
Michael Mitulla for taking photos
and also all the friends who made this great session happening.
Hang out having fun with friends
Grind it down!!!
Age is just a number…….THX a lot Skateboarding

Results of the session:

1. Mathea Kruezner
2. Merle Halveg

Under 40:
1. Tim Börner (WTF I tell you FSA over the stairs and more crazy stuff)
2. Max Strauß (switch Madness)
3. Benny Gleichmar (real stuff)
4. Johannes Sartino
5. Tom Hartung; Maximilian Ruwe; Johann Fründ; Florian Schnitker

1. Kai Meeves (King of FSAir and Laybackrollout)
2. Frank Siger (RnR Styler)
3. Dieter Fronius (did so good in case he was there the first time)
4. Gerd Rieger (Mr. King of Artfotos, happily The Man)

Over 50:
1. Wolfgang Toth (wow how GOOD it sounds FSgrind over the stairs)
2. Oli Marten (going fast guy)
3. Stephan Piepke (my BUDY from day ONE, and on Board now also OVER 40 years!!!!)
4. Frank Koch (injured but he don’t care, RAD)


Last weekend it was time for another BERGFEST at the legendary Monster Bowl at the Bergfidel Skatepark in Münster. The Bergfest started out as a small local contest in 2009 and has grown into the best and funnest park contest in Germany and this year was no exeption. With rippers from all over Germany a rad session was inevitable.
1st place went to Tim „Eumel“ Rebensdorf, he went full speed with a rad combination of tricks and style using the whole park including the gnarly deepend that was avoided by some. Big airs, front blunts, speedy grinds and way more in his bag of tricks.

Eumel fs blast
Lennie Jansen shredded into 2nd place with a ton of style and tricks like high indy divebombs and a bs 360 varial tailgrab to disaster, what? Yeah, I hope somebody captured it on film. He was set back a bit by a crazy slam in the deepend that send him straight to the flat bottom and few would have survided without a major injury but luckily he did.
Lennie with a huge dive bomb indy
Local shredder Tom Schulze took a well deserved 3rd place pro with a good mix of lip tricks and airs.
Tom making hard tricks look easy, lien air.
Kevin Wenzke seemed he could have needed some new wheels and bearings for some more speed,
but none the less this guy is one of the best. Eggplants and backside bonelesses in the deepend!!
Kevin with a lien to tail.
The AM´s where not far behind the pros. Mathis Wenner skated into first place with local knowlage of the park and put it to good use with fs hurricanes, Millerflips and he was one of the few who used the spine in his runs. 2nd place went to Carlo Brummel from Güterloh home of Claus Grabke. Carlo mixed good style with a deep bag of tricks like front bluns, sweepers, speedy smith grinds and then some.
Carlo with a perfectly executed front blunt
The girls and junior divison were also ripping. Eva Stöter showed how to carve through the whole park with ease and speed and a big smile on her face showing everybody what it´s all about: having a good time on your board and not worry about any results, she did take home 3rd place and a big bag of product from the sponsors.
2nd palce went to Catherine Marquis, she came all the way from Stuttgart and had a bit of bad luck with a slam in the deep end that took her out of the contest, but before that mishap she showed some solid frontside 50/50s on the steep facewall, backside grinds, sweepers, lien to tails and more stuff.
Ingrid Enciu from Tübingen took 1st place with good lines, grinds, bs bonless ones to tail and then some.
Catherine Marquis, frontside 50/50
Eumel – 1st place
Little guys with tons of stuff, too much to carry? Almost.
Jakob Kern, Solingen – Wayrta Koszarek, Münster – Andres Andrischock Jimenez, Münster


Mathis Wenner, Münster – Chrisor Pelz, Berlin

John Hunt and the winners: Ingrid Enciu, Tübingen – Catherine Marquis, Stuttgart – Eva Stöter, Münster
After the skate sessions and awards ceremony the bands took over the stage and were rocking the crowd from the first cord. Ill and Insanity Alert made a lot of good noise that kept the crowd dancing and the beer showers flowing.
Insanity Allert
Insanity Allert
Insanity Allert
These two made it possible, Markus and Johan!!!
Making skateboarding great again at the BERG since 2009!
Thanks guys!!! And thanks to John Hunt for announcing all day long, tough job.
And a big thanks and shout out goes to all the sponsors and supporters:
Koloss, Protec, Hoax, Telum, Pavel, Warsteiner, Muckefuck, Confusion Mag, Bailgun Mag,
Blood Mask, Merchcowboys



The Bergfest 2017 Results

A Division

Tim Rebensdorf, Stuttgart
Lenni Janssen, Düsseldorf
Tom Schulze, Münster
Kevin Wenzke, Herne

B Division

Mathis Wenner, Münster
Carlo Brummel, Gütersloh
Chrisor Pelz, Berlin
Marius Ochtendung, Koblenz

Youth Division

Jakob Kern, Solingen
Wayrta Koszarek, Münster
Andres Andrischock Jimenez, Münster

Girls Division

Ingrid Enciu, Tübingen
Catherine Marquis, Stuttgart
Eva Stöter, Münster
Jana Malzkorn, Dortmund

Hans ´OMSA Pool session

Hans ´OMSA Pool session

One of the first real warm days this year and a perfect time to meet for a session at Hans´OMSA pool somewhere in the north west area of Germany. Hans´pool is definitely a skaters dream come true and it shows if you want it, you can make it happen.
A big thank you goes out to Hans for his hospitallity and the best spare rips from the grill!!!
Skuby, crail over the box
Talking skating and fun stories in between sessions, Fridde, Hermann and Dietsches.
Matt Grabowski with a surprise visit, dropping acid in the deep end of the pool he and his crew built with a lot of helping hands from the locals.
Anders Tellen, enjoys a picture perfect layback on this sunny sunday.
Hans made sure everybody ate up their plates.
Hans making the the boys happy after the session.
Matt, ‚Possesed To Skate‘
Hermann, enjoys a well deserved beer after the session with some cool lines and carve grinds.
Tony, chilling after session and food.
After the feast!
Still Life
Parting shot: Anders and frontside 50/50


Bergfest 2016

Bergfest 2016

This years Bergfest was a small one, just a relexed session with friends
on a nice and sunny Sunday just before Winter is kicking in the not too distant future.
Some people were wondering why there wasn´t a fully scale Bergfest, well if you´ve ever organized an event the answer is easy,
it´s a whole lotta work and sometimes there needs to be a little break to make future plans.
So stay tuned for next year and enjoy the photos from last weekend.

Koloss in pink, Markus Koch with a classic stand up grind.


OMSA rider Tony was ripping some smith grinds.


Local shredder Tom, perfect front feeble through the corner.


Sunny Sunday

Bailgun Issue #19 is online now.

Welcome to Bailgun issue #19
In this issue we´ll go roadtripping with a Colorado crew to skate
some Oregon concrete and check out the brand new Streetdome
skatepark in Harderslev Denmark and a cool DIY spot in northern
Next up we´ll visit some backyard pools in Denver and
finish this issue with an interview with up and coming ripper
Johannes Haist.
Enjoy issue #19


Issue #18 online now!!!

Check out Bailgun issue #18 just click below:

Welcome to Bailgun issue #18 In this issue we´ll do some more traveling. On the list is Mexico with Steven Bailey and Brandon Perelson, spotchecks from Denver and Seattle, contest reviews from Malmö, Sweden and Getxo, Basque Country, interviews with the Creepy Creeps from San Diego, Zach Cusano from Denver and Jürgen Horrwarth pro skater and co owner of Örly Cafe in Berlin.
Enjoy issue #18

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Hot Session at the Beeble Bowl

Hot Sunday session at the Beeble Bowl – it was seriously HOT with tempretures in the 100°s Fahrenheit or 40° Celsius or whaterver scale you wanna use – HOOOT.
The Beeble Bowl is brand new, it was finished just a couple month ago
and the decks still have to be poured.
The bowl is pretty much perfect and is located in the backyard of the Bibelheimers.
Thanks Erik and Andrea for building this rad bowl and for the hot session.

Kat Folsom was shredding all day – Tucked frontside air

Ffej Hedges – invert in the deepend

Morris Wainwright – carve grind – I met Morris ca. 25 years ago when he and his brother Brian were traveling Eurpope and stoped by in Münster for some shredding. Stoked to meet and skate with him again.

John Worthington – up and coming ripper with a frontside ollie

Eric Bibelheimer – he owns this bowl and he has the tricks and lines – lipslide

Concrete Shredding

Check out some cool videos shredding concrete:

Bridge to Bridge (Teaser) from Dreamland Skateparks on Vimeo.