Got this CD from Swedish band the WraptoRs
Check em out!
The Bailgun Black Blog Collection book out NOW!!!
The Bailgun Black Blog Collection book is out now.
More that 250 pages of skate, portrait, still life, landscape and snapshots…..
Featured skaters are: Anders Tellen, Neil Blender, Jürgen Horrwarth,
Matt Grabowski, Natas Kaupas, Ben Krahn, Daniel Cardone, Renton Millar,
Bernt Jahnel, Trevor Ward, Sascha Müller and many more.
Check out the Bailgun store here
"My Carhartt Portfolio" Series
Check out the „My Carhartt Portfolio“ of BAILGUN photographer Gerd Rieger
and other photographers over on the Carhartt Site.
Urban Identities Exhibition
Checked out the Urban Identities exhibition at the Kulturreich Gallerie
Thomas Kalak and Peter Nitsch show two different and unusual point of views of Bangkok.
Definitly worth checking out.
Flash Player
I just checked out this free Flash Player by Viewbook and it is easy to use works pretty well and also looks clean and simple.
No Use Video
Got this Video from Ireland by Dick Dick Productions in the Mail today.
Didn´t have any Info with it but the cover looked pretty cool.
The Video is about 30 min. long and a lot of the stuff is filmed on super8 film with alot of nice art work to go with it and of course some skating form the local streets to the pools of Malmö.
Check it out if you can.
For more info check out Tweaker Magazine there´s an article about the video or go to Aulpups Blog or MySpace site
May 1st
Anders Tellen feeble grinding to fakie into May.
Calendars still available.
Just print out the remaining months.
What The Duck?
Great Comic Blog by Aaron Johnson
PDF Calendars still available
Another Book: Untitled noeight
Here´s another cool book with lots of interviews, nice photography and art.
Featured artist are:
Martha Cooper, Andrew Pommier, Don Pendleton, Jeremy Fish, Todd Francis,
Florian Böhm, Ryan Monihan….. and more.
Check it out at Bildschöne Bücher or at Untitled-Documents

Photo: ©
Warren Bolster Book Review
This book is not new but still more than worth checking out
and looks pretty nice on your coffee table.
There´s some great pictures from the 70´s era of skating including pools, parks, pipes, slalom etc.
So if you´re interested in some history about skateboarding and skate photography this is for you.
More info about Warren Bolster
Where to get the book? Click on image.
Photo: ©
Wind along the coast
A really nice animation film by Ivan Maximov with music by Chick Corea.