KILLER 50-50 Session at La Kantera

A few weeks ago a group of induviduals from around the planet met at the legendary La Kantera skatepark in Gexto on the beautyful shores of the Bask Country.
Txus Dominguez invited this group to celebrate pool skating and just have a good time grinding the pool coping of La Kantera´s famous kidney pool.
The frontside grind is one of the essential pool skating tricks, just the sound and feel of the wheels rolling over the tile and the aluminum of the trucks grinding over the rough concrete coping is something to experience. So ckeck out some rad grinds from the sessions at La Kantera.
Thanks for the invite and a great weeekend goes out to Txus!!!

Some artwork carved into the stone at the La Kantera ruin surrounding the skatepark.


Read what Txus has to say about the KILLER 50/50 Session:


All my live im loving curves, don’t know why but feel a gnarly attraction bowls, ramps, waves , pipes and deep valleys in the mountain, women..
Since I was 6 years old I always remember my live with a board in my hands, so skate, surf and snowboard put my brains out of order.
I find a way for search and riping everything I can. When I was a kid we made wooden diy ramps everywhere we can with my brother Miguel, Iñaki ,felix, Andoni, Pablo and some locals.
Surf as much as possible and climb all the mountains around in Winter. My dream was ride a pool a real pool with blocks of pool coping. My favorites places to skate are pools, bowls and hills. So no pools in Europe , I`m tired to skate concrete halfpipe , straight ahead copins , no carves , no flow…

You know why ¿
beautiful lines,
empty pools,
free mind, free brains,
as fast as posible,
put the grind volumen as high you can,
double carve grind,
breakfast death box,
barrels, rocks and coping blocks,
then, look into the sky ,close your eyes,
feel the sensation, kill the session ,
friends and beers around
jump into the pool, sweep and swim
carve ,carve, carve……

Txus Dominguez knows the pool better than anyone and it shows in his speed and style.


Pool history

It was 1994 , 23 June summer soltice and is going on another wild La Kantera skate-party. For 4 years I continue to organize one of the wildest event I have ever seen at La Kantera in my life and I’m the one who organizes and believes in it. La Kantera downhill with all the permission from city hall, traffic department and pólice. Its real fuckin crazy, I have no words to explain . But if you go to La Kantera and see the long downhill and imagine to go down straight ahead, traffic stops, and two thousand people watching one slam and another, thats is la bajada de arriguna or arrigunaga downhill
That day talking with the man Kuko the man who make this bullshit with me and all the events at La Kantera , the real events at La Kantera. I said to him ,’’ im going to make a pool here ‘’, not like a real pool, but heavy shallow and easy deepend , not too much flat , coping blocks for sure , first coping blocks in Spain. My real good friend Kuko EXT man , says to me ‘’you are crazy, one dinner if you do it’’ ( I’m still waiting for the dinner). That day the downhill was just finished after 5 min because a 13 years old boy had a heavy slam on his head with a fracture craneal , but he is ok now. That was the final of the downhill for ever ,’’ la bajada the arrigunaga is over’’ , words by the boss of the civil protection.
So just finish the event I put all the bales of straw I used for the protection of the downhill in the exactily place where the pool is now and make the aquelarre pool future party. Make fire, put inside and dream….


Doug „Pineappel“ Saladino with style


Next day I travel to USA to skate pools and surf. My dream travel, skate pools as much as possible. So thanks to Seth Keil for making it possible. Danny Lozano for his hospitality in Encinitas, Sam Cuninham who put me in the first pool of my life, the black bottom in Oakland, and many more after that. Remember one in Temecula with a Simpsons graffiti with extra XXXL coping blocks, only possible to grind if you make a vert slappy, and remember El Cortes in San Diego and crack house in Oceanside and many more.
When I come back to Getxo I talk to the city hall about building a pool and after 6 years of a lot of work I finally design and build the pool. Don Jamon pool, with the help of the arcitect Javier Labad.
This is the begining of Zut Skateparks…


Kongo – grind over the Deathbox


The KILLER 50-50S

After more than one hundred events I organized at La Kantera I wanna make something same like in the origins, free and simple so I want to come back to real pool sessions, real pool skaters who feel the skate like real pool skaters. Finally thinking about all concrete warrior pool daggers who skate since 40 years ago in the world and try to make a pool jam session together here at the pool of La Lantera – why not?

Lovely please, good food, good weather normally in September. Amazing surf session, good music on the platform and that’s all. This is the third year and it’s important to know this is not a closed event only for skaters over 50 years old, everybody is invited. One year ago I was talking to Brad Bowman for coming and helping me with the USA riders, ( next years there are more and more legends coming) he and Doug Saladino came this year and all the European legend pool skaters were here too. Ron and Gary from California, Dicky, Kevin Campbell, Wolfganster Toth, Johan Berglind who was hurt, Iñaki Velilla, Jeff Podolski, Ander Tellen, Gerd Rieger, Clive, Peter Dietches, Fred Ferand, Miguel Dominguez, a three German crew , Italian Martin and many locals legends was there for chilling, Seth Keil, Kuko, Eduado Saenz, Borja Saenz, Leandro, Aitor Elorriaga, Jonathan Hay from Confussion Mag who is always coming and take photos and videos. (thanks Jay) and many many more and can’t remember.


Peter Diepes


It was a really pity that Keith Meik „slasher man“ finally had a problem with his health and had to cancel his travel, hope see you next year Keith. GOOD LUCK¡¡¡¡
The session was all week long , with skate sessions at La Kantera and Sopeline skatepark everyday, really fun. I thinks I never seen more helmets and knee pads in the pool in my life and of course more than 50 years old dudes. The ambient was sick and the big day on Saturday with chillin and music with Kuko DJing some fuckin good punk and rockroll. The skate jam session was nice because nobody was injured, and was super fun. The younger kids and Anders who just turned 50 was the ripper and destroyed the pool like a mini ramp, a Santa Cruz local Gary made good grinds and some heavy Andrechts, Peter OMSA boss ripping the pool with passion and he finally conquered it, Clive fucking ripping as always with his gnarlies laybacks surf grinds , Wolf was more happy than ever and this year he don`t eat too much bask food and skate and skate and laughts as always … Dicky was finally back and was edgering the blocks sketchy style holligan incredible, nice too see you on board Dicky, best lines ever, no lines , no problema, stay on , grind everywhere.

Anders – smith grind over the death box


Kevin had the best lines as usual and this is his day, he skates like a real kid. Ron Isa is my hero, he was the best and this year he win the contest again, he have the big balls for sure, quiet, relax, he can conquer the pool like a real man , he put all his power in his round and feel the skate with passion and free. The German crew was super happy to be here for their first time and to destroy the pool. It was so nice how they skate the pool like it’s the last day in their life. Alex from Italy or Costa Rica need time top ut in on the line but he come back home with a big smile on his face because he grind and make really good line, don’t know if he eat seafood or not he rips. Finally Brad and Doug skate like only they know to do. When I look at BB and Piña it is easy to see how much dropping they have done in their life. Millions more than everybody there , but each drop-in is a show because they are Brad and Doug, two big skaters but also two big big humans.
Personally I think it’s so great to have a big session for free, no money , no fashion , no posers , no nothing , just skate and with real friends from all over the world.
Thanks everybody for coming!
See you next year.

Words by Txus Dominguez – @ortxustrofps
Photography by


The Crew – you know who they are – Photos by Txus


Parting shot: Wolfganster grinding down a new spot in Bilbao



Corey Mcintosh Interview

Corey Mcintosh Interview

Corey is a skater and wolrd traveler from Vacouver Canada.
He was in Münster for a few days skating the local spots and hanging with the local crew of skaters.
So we caught up with him to shoot some photos and ask a few questions.

Bailgun: Hey Corey, tell us a bit about yourself, where you´re from, etc.
Corey: I’m 24 years young, from Vancouver British Columbia, and just quit my job working at the rail way back home to travel.

Bailgun: When and how did you start skating?
Corey: When I was probably 11 or 12 I found one in the garage of my aunts house. Took it to the drive way to try it out and immediately did one of those slip on a bar of soap bails. The sort of ceremonious first bail that makes you decide if you wanna keep trying.

Monty grind >>> Nosepick tailgrab in the corner.

Bailgun: What’s your local spot in Vancouver?
Corey: Back home I live pretty close to Hastings Bowl. So I would frequent that place a lot, especially on a friday.
Anyone who visits Vancouver that skates and likes skating bowls should come by, especially on a friday.

And what are your favorite spots?
Leeside DIY, Orcas Island, Coal Pad DIY, Squamish, Soup+ in Coquitlam and Hastings on a friday.

Bailgun: Who do you skate with?
Corey: We got a crew who loves to take weekend trips and go skate the various bowls/camp around BC and Washington. My best friends who I love so much.

Frontside rock at Hans‘ OMSA Pool

Bailgun: Who are some of the underrated skaters from Vacouver/Canada?
Corey: A few. The list goes.
Jeff that Rips, James Clark, Adam Richter, Ryan Siemens, Jamie Walker, Derek Swaim, Sam Lind, Magnus Hanson and Dave Dolan.

Bailgun: You’ve traveled quite a bit, any favorite locations or special road trips?
Corey: Back home it’s the drive down to California. I had motorcycle for a bit so that was the perfect excuse to fly down a highway and skate every park on the way. I just got back from 2er on fire in Hannover and that was something else, the best DIY I’ve ever skated in my life. Also, Hamburg is a really special place to me.

Bailgun: Is this your first time to Europe?
Corey: That I know of.

Bailgun: How do you like it?
Corey: It’s great, the freedom to travel between countries in such a relaxed way is such a luxury. Every country has its own unique culture, and in such confined spaces. I’m also so thankful you all speak such good english.
Classic frontside grind on pool coping – the best sound and feeling there is, simple as that.

Bailgun: How do you get in touch with the locals? Is it easier or harder in some places?
Corey: That’s probably the one plus side of social media. You can just say you’re going somewhere, and the network of skaters provides.
If not, just trying to show up to skate parks after 5 so people are actually off work. I don’t know how many spots i’ve skated by myself in the middle of the day!

Bailgun: You´re planning to stay in Münster for a while, you must like it.
Corey: Münster was the first place in Europe where I felt like I was at home. My first day I met everyone at Berg Fidel, and the session was on!
I knew this was something I wanted to be around more. I even tried leaving! I went to the Netherlands amd Belgium. Then on my way down to Zurich I changed my mind at the train station in Luxembourg and went back up to Münster. Now I live here! I’m gonna become the Speck Brett world champion. Not sure if I spelt that right but I love the game.

Bailgun: What’s your favorite terrain to ride?
Corey: Bowls with long walls and Hips.

Bailgun: Backyardpools?
Corey: There’s a few in Vancouver if you talk to the right BMXer.

Bailgun: DIY?
Corey:Leeside, Coal Pad, Cow Palace, Hannover.

Bailgun: Legendary spots you wanna visit?
Corey: Mechelen, Helsinki (for the Hellride), Marseille, Moscow and Bali.

Bailgun: Tricks you like? Tricks you want to learn?
Corey: Big fan of people who fuck tricks up and still manage to roll away. I’d take seeing someone almost lose it all and hold on over a crispy clean perfect trick. I want to learn inverts so bad but still can’t quite grab the coping!

Bailgun: What setup do you ride?
Corey: I ride the single greatest boards in all of Europe. Koloss.

Bailgun: What do you do when you’re not skating? Music? Art? etc.?
Corey:I subscribe to the idea of saying yes. I want to try anything that comes my way. Anything new. I like to paint, but this winter i want to finally sit down and learn how to play the piano.

Bailgun: Sponsors?
Corey: Koloss

Bailgun: Shout outs
Corey: Everyone back home. I love you. I hope you’re all having fires and getting outta the fucking city.

Parting shot: Corey is down with KOLOSS!!! FSA over the hip.

Vert Attack – XllI

Vert Attack – XIII

Same procedure as every year… well yeah, almost.
I met up with the OG Wolfganster early Wednesday morning at a Hamburg trainstation to head up north to Malmö.
We´ve done that about a million times now it feels like, from most of the Bowlriders, Ultra Bowl and Vert Attack contests and it´s always been one of the highlights of the year and this year was no different.
What´s rad about Vert Attack is there´s always a different mix of skaters, this year you could have thought there´s some familiar faces missing, but then there were some Vert Attack first timers that made more than up for that. It´s always rad to see people skate that you´ve never seen before or only know from photos and video. Jesse Lindhoff, Jake Yanko, Steven Mc Kaig, Luke Russell, AJ Nelson, Wyatt Winswenbaker, Keenan Witte come to mind.
Back home I talked to some skaters who watched the live stream and they said it did not feel as rad as last year, but when you were on the ramp or on the bleachers the opposite was the case, a crazy final with insane skating by everyone!!!
It was just as rad as last year or the year before. Photos and video just can NOT do the real Vert Attack Experience any justice.
Enjoy the photos trying to capture a little of this years action anyway and make sure to not miss out on VA – XIV next year.

Words by Erik Muehsam
Photos by Gerd Rieger


Auby Taylor took his ollies to new hights this year.

Rony Gomez – front blunt >> Jürgen Horrwarth – lien air


Jesse Lindhoff – Boneless One over the channel


Steven Mc Kaig – reaching over the channel

Andy Scott is always exiting to watch with his loose style and rad bag of tricks. FSA.


Collin Graham – Elguerial over the channel. He also did Euguerial reverts! Go figure.


Alessandro Mazzera – has grown into a real powerful and stylish skater – indy flip. >> Wyatt Winswenbaker attacking the ramp with a tailgrab.


Rune Glifberg – high speed tailgrab over th channel


Edouard Damestoy was blasting all over the ramp into a well deserved 1st place. FSA.


Jake Yanko – proper Madonna >>> Luigi Cini – one foot tailgrab


Zach Lewis – FSA


Rodney Mead and Tony Janson flapping over an Andrecht and Tuckknee invert. Those guys are in their 50´s and do better inverts than a lot of the younger dudes, think about it.


Nicky Guerrero – picture perfect boneless one.


Lizzy Armanto – liens across the channel into first place.


Allysha Le – FSA


Parting shot: John Magnusson – took some time off his contest dutys to throw some stylish frontside airs and high speed lines. Thanks for another great vert contest!!!





Rumble In Ramona 8

Rumble In Ramona 8

I always wanted to go to the Rumble in Ramona, all the stories, photos and videos looked like it is a super rad and fun session with a rad crew
of skaters, kinda like a backyard version of Malmö´s Vert Attack, the way it should be.
And finally this year the timing was right, to check out this legendary session first hand.

The weahter gods seemed not so stoked on this years Rumble because after some rad skating all day long on Friday, it was time for the SKELLTON KEY
video premier and as the video started, the first drops of rain fell onto the ramp and after the video was about halfway through it was pouring
down with some thunder and lightning, so it was finally time pack up. The video is a must see! Good mix of skaters, spots and skating.

Saturday was the main day for the session but the wether looked pretty wet with low clouds hanging over the ramp and after a few short shower
breaks the session was full on well into the night.
This year had all emotions covered: Rain and shine, smiles and anger, hugs and flying fists, slams, collisions and rad makes that seemed impossible.

Thanks to Darren Naverette for hosting the Rumble over the years!


How much vert? 2 or 3 foot? Does it matter?

Auby Taylor – Indy Air > Smith Vert

Mattew Wilcox – Madonna

Archer Braun – Disaster

Josh Rodriguez – Front Blunt

Marcel „Gnarcel“ – FSA

Steve Mc Kaig – Frontside Channel Plant

Will Cortez – Stalefish

Zach Miller – FSA

Steve Mc Kaig – Eggplant

Kaito Hashimoto Osaka – Texas Plant

Colin Graham – Boneless Boost all the way over the channel

Archer Braun – ollie 50/50 ollie out

Skelleton Key video premier






New Books

There´s a couple new books out that are well worth taking a closer look

Skateboarding Is Not A Fashion
After their first book Made For Skate, Jürgen Blümlein from the Skateboardmuseum and Dirk Vogel
put out another gem with Skateboarding Is Not A Fashion. It took them years of research and interviewing people to put this one together. But this time was very well spend as the quality of the book shows. Even if you´re not into fashion this one has some great stories and insight behind the scenes of the industry from the 50’s to mid 80’s.
You can order over here














Back in the Day

William Sharp and Ozzie Ausband spent a few years working on the Back in the Day book project and it came out really well. Do you really need another skate photo book from the 70’s? Well, maybe not, if you have one or the other of Friedman’s books or the Tracker or Independent books, you might think you have seen it all.
But this one is a bit different and shows a lot of photos and spots that haven’t been covered in the other books. It´s kind of the missing link, as William Sharps and Ozzie Ausband show a different approach then the other books and show a lot of people and spots that are not covered in the other publications. It´s rad to see rare footage from Shreddie Reapas, Jay Smith, Brad Bowman, Jeff Tatum and of course Tony Alva, Jay Adams and the rest of the Dog Town crew are also found shredding pools, parks and pipes.
From Germany order here
Brad Bowman

Shreddie Reapas


Same Old Magazine
Magazines are pretty much dead, nobody buys them anymore and the ones that are for free in the skateshops just colect dust and end up in the dustbin,
because even the editorial content is just a big advertisement by the companys who pay for it.
Same Old Magazine is different, it throws some old a new content in the mix and presents it with a rad layout.
This issue features lots of pics py Wynn Miller, Grant Brittain, a history of the legendary South Banks in London, fanletters and photos that were sent to Lucero in the 80’s and more great stuff. Check it out over here












Last weekend it was time for another BERGFEST at the legendary Monster Bowl at the Bergfidel Skatepark in Münster. The Bergfest started out as a small local contest in 2009 and has grown into the best and funnest park contest in Germany and this year was no exeption. With rippers from all over Germany a rad session was inevitable.
1st place went to Tim „Eumel“ Rebensdorf, he went full speed with a rad combination of tricks and style using the whole park including the gnarly deepend that was avoided by some. Big airs, front blunts, speedy grinds and way more in his bag of tricks.

Eumel fs blast
Lennie Jansen shredded into 2nd place with a ton of style and tricks like high indy divebombs and a bs 360 varial tailgrab to disaster, what? Yeah, I hope somebody captured it on film. He was set back a bit by a crazy slam in the deepend that send him straight to the flat bottom and few would have survided without a major injury but luckily he did.
Lennie with a huge dive bomb indy
Local shredder Tom Schulze took a well deserved 3rd place pro with a good mix of lip tricks and airs.
Tom making hard tricks look easy, lien air.
Kevin Wenzke seemed he could have needed some new wheels and bearings for some more speed,
but none the less this guy is one of the best. Eggplants and backside bonelesses in the deepend!!
Kevin with a lien to tail.
The AM´s where not far behind the pros. Mathis Wenner skated into first place with local knowlage of the park and put it to good use with fs hurricanes, Millerflips and he was one of the few who used the spine in his runs. 2nd place went to Carlo Brummel from Güterloh home of Claus Grabke. Carlo mixed good style with a deep bag of tricks like front bluns, sweepers, speedy smith grinds and then some.
Carlo with a perfectly executed front blunt
The girls and junior divison were also ripping. Eva Stöter showed how to carve through the whole park with ease and speed and a big smile on her face showing everybody what it´s all about: having a good time on your board and not worry about any results, she did take home 3rd place and a big bag of product from the sponsors.
2nd palce went to Catherine Marquis, she came all the way from Stuttgart and had a bit of bad luck with a slam in the deep end that took her out of the contest, but before that mishap she showed some solid frontside 50/50s on the steep facewall, backside grinds, sweepers, lien to tails and more stuff.
Ingrid Enciu from Tübingen took 1st place with good lines, grinds, bs bonless ones to tail and then some.
Catherine Marquis, frontside 50/50
Eumel – 1st place
Little guys with tons of stuff, too much to carry? Almost.
Jakob Kern, Solingen – Wayrta Koszarek, Münster – Andres Andrischock Jimenez, Münster


Mathis Wenner, Münster – Chrisor Pelz, Berlin

John Hunt and the winners: Ingrid Enciu, Tübingen – Catherine Marquis, Stuttgart – Eva Stöter, Münster
After the skate sessions and awards ceremony the bands took over the stage and were rocking the crowd from the first cord. Ill and Insanity Alert made a lot of good noise that kept the crowd dancing and the beer showers flowing.
Insanity Allert
Insanity Allert
Insanity Allert
These two made it possible, Markus and Johan!!!
Making skateboarding great again at the BERG since 2009!
Thanks guys!!! And thanks to John Hunt for announcing all day long, tough job.
And a big thanks and shout out goes to all the sponsors and supporters:
Koloss, Protec, Hoax, Telum, Pavel, Warsteiner, Muckefuck, Confusion Mag, Bailgun Mag,
Blood Mask, Merchcowboys



The Bergfest 2017 Results

A Division

Tim Rebensdorf, Stuttgart
Lenni Janssen, Düsseldorf
Tom Schulze, Münster
Kevin Wenzke, Herne

B Division

Mathis Wenner, Münster
Carlo Brummel, Gütersloh
Chrisor Pelz, Berlin
Marius Ochtendung, Koblenz

Youth Division

Jakob Kern, Solingen
Wayrta Koszarek, Münster
Andres Andrischock Jimenez, Münster

Girls Division

Ingrid Enciu, Tübingen
Catherine Marquis, Stuttgart
Eva Stöter, Münster
Jana Malzkorn, Dortmund

Hans ´OMSA Pool session

Hans ´OMSA Pool session

One of the first real warm days this year and a perfect time to meet for a session at Hans´OMSA pool somewhere in the north west area of Germany. Hans´pool is definitely a skaters dream come true and it shows if you want it, you can make it happen.
A big thank you goes out to Hans for his hospitallity and the best spare rips from the grill!!!
Skuby, crail over the box
Talking skating and fun stories in between sessions, Fridde, Hermann and Dietsches.
Matt Grabowski with a surprise visit, dropping acid in the deep end of the pool he and his crew built with a lot of helping hands from the locals.
Anders Tellen, enjoys a picture perfect layback on this sunny sunday.
Hans made sure everybody ate up their plates.
Hans making the the boys happy after the session.
Matt, ‚Possesed To Skate‘
Hermann, enjoys a well deserved beer after the session with some cool lines and carve grinds.
Tony, chilling after session and food.
After the feast!
Still Life
Parting shot: Anders and frontside 50/50


Bergfest 2016

Bergfest 2016

This years Bergfest was a small one, just a relexed session with friends
on a nice and sunny Sunday just before Winter is kicking in the not too distant future.
Some people were wondering why there wasn´t a fully scale Bergfest, well if you´ve ever organized an event the answer is easy,
it´s a whole lotta work and sometimes there needs to be a little break to make future plans.
So stay tuned for next year and enjoy the photos from last weekend.

Koloss in pink, Markus Koch with a classic stand up grind.


OMSA rider Tony was ripping some smith grinds.


Local shredder Tom, perfect front feeble through the corner.


Sunny Sunday

Konzert Zentrale

Mint Mind, Andalucia and Heim rocked the Zentrale in Münster a couple weeks ago.
Here´s some pics from a rad evening with some good music.
Thanks to the Zentrale team and the bands for a fun evening.
Photography by

Mint Mind on stage




Mind Mint in the Bailgun studio a few moments before the gig


Andalucia on stage




Andalucia right after the gig


Heim on stage




Heim just after the gig

El Gato Classic – Palm Springs

El Gato Classic 2015

Eddie Elguera had the idea to bring together skaters from the 70´s era of skateboarding that had a major influence on till today.
So he invited all the heavy hitters from the past to come together for a session in Palm Springs.
Here´s some pics from Saturdays session and the vert demo that was on after the pool session.


Eddie Elguera perfect front rock in front of the media.

Brad Bowman classic frontside air

Lonnie Hiramoto grind

Christin Hosoi was recovering from a knee injury and had to take it easy but although he could not drop in, did not stop him from doing carve grinds with his classic style.

Hosoi grind

Tony Hawk flaps a tucknee invert before moving over to the vert demo.

Eric Grisham stalled some handplants.

After a rad session at the pool everybody moved over to the vert demo. Tony Hawk tweaked indy.

Kevin Staab flys overhead on this backside ollie

Eddie and Tony reamed up for some doubles. Tony backside air over Eddies front rock.
Check Eddie´s back foot: „It´s all in the toe“

Stoped by Saltonsea on the way back to San Diego.

Bailgun Issue #19 is online now.

Welcome to Bailgun issue #19
In this issue we´ll go roadtripping with a Colorado crew to skate
some Oregon concrete and check out the brand new Streetdome
skatepark in Harderslev Denmark and a cool DIY spot in northern
Next up we´ll visit some backyard pools in Denver and
finish this issue with an interview with up and coming ripper
Johannes Haist.
Enjoy issue #19


Thomas Kalak Photo Exhibition

Thomas Kalak Photo Exhibition

I checked out Thomas Kalaks photo exhibition this Friday and ran into some old buddies I hadn´t seen for a while – good time seeing these guys and talking about some fun stories.
Thomas was one of the best vert rollerskaters in the 80´s and early 90´s and also shot photos
for the Monster Skateboard Magazine.
He moved on to shoot a lot of comercial stuff in the 90´s and does mostly art projects nowadays.
This exhibition showed a recent project where he documented the work on archaeology sites.
For more info check out his website

Thomas (right) introducing his work and showing some examples from his book.


Markus Rüsenberg and Helge Tscharn talking art or skating



Hanging out with old buddies you haven´t seen for years is the best. Thomas Kalak, Markus König, Helge Tscharn, Bärty Bruns

… and having a good laugh about some fun stories.


Some pages from the Book:







See the exhibition here:

Thomas Kalak – Archäologie

Ausstellungshalle Hawerkamp

Am Hawerkamp 31

48155 Münster

31.10.14 – 23.11.14

Sa. und So. 15:00 – 19:00 Uhr

und nach tel. Vereinbarung: 0179 – 5490066

IGS Hamburg night session

The IGS skatepark in Hamburg is one of a very few parks in Germany with lights and with the days getting shorter quickly that is a very nice feature. After a session at the Fruchtallee bowl Wolfganster and I headed over to the IGS for second session and we ran into two legends from Hamburg Jan Waage and Robert Wolff, hadn´t seen those guys for like 20 years!
Everybody was stoked and we had a great session and a few brews after.

Jan Waage – ollie

Robert Wolff – front rock

After session stoke – Robert and Jan.

Zine check – Blk/Mark

I met Alberto Scattolin in Gexto last week at the Bowl-A-Rama contest and he handed me his zine Blk/Mark to check out.
This issue features the photography of Fabien Ponsero, Jay Delaney, Alberto Scattolin, Sergej Vutuc, Fred Ferand, Julian Furones and Kristijan Smok. It´s all black and white with a good mix of transition, DIY and street footage. It´s all done in nice quality and definitely worth checking out.
For more info or to get a copy check the Blk/Mark website or their FB


Alberto Scattolin

Fred Ferand

Jay Delaney

Malmö Ultra Bowl VI – Pt. 3

Sunday session at Bryggeriet
As it was raining all day on Sunday some vert hungry skaters were more than happy when John Magnusson opened up the Bryggeriet skatepark for a night session on the vert ramp.
– Riley Stevens was shredding hard on his first session on a vert ramp.
– Chris Russell did frontside hip-hop inverts… wow, try that, threw some eggs and did head high frontside airs.
– Willis Kimlbel was flying over the ramp with boned out bs airs and tall andrecht handplants.
– Tyler Edtmayer showed some high airs.
– Mark Scott caused some chaos.
– Alex Sorgente smashed the coping with his body jars.
– Björn Lillesoe had nice bonelesses.
– Neal Hendrix stalled inverts to fakie and blasted some high airs.
– Sean Goff did smith grinds, sweepers and laybackairs.
– John Magnusson dropped in a few times and just did perfect runs with a ton of tircks.

Thanks to John Magnusson for the great session and a fun weekend in Malmö.

Photography by

Riley Stevens – FSA.

Young Gun Tyler Edtmayer – bs air

Chris Russell – eggplant

Willis Kimbel – bs bone air