Check out the Chris Miller InnerViews by
Check out the Chris Miller InnerViews by
Check out this preview of an upcoming Devo documentary.
Jürgen Horrwarth shreds into first place pro at the Bergfest 2012 in Münster with tons of speed and style Jürgen shredded the Monster Bowl to pieces.
If you couldn´t make it to Münster or missed the live stream you can still watch the webcast over here
Last years winner Ben Hatchell took second place with a combination of difficult liptricks and high airs. Third place went to 13 year old Ivan Federics from Italy – look out for this yound gun in the future!
Renton Millar placed fourth with some nice ollies, head high frontside airs in the deep end and smashing madonnas to the coping.
Ben Schroeder supported the judge team with his years of experience.
More in the next Bailgun issue really soon. Stay tuned.
Jürgen Horrwarth grinds the corner in front of the massive crowd at the Bergfest
Renton Millar – trademark fs ollie
Ben Hatchell pops out of a front blunt
Pavel Deathrace winner Christian Krause lien to tail
The Adolescents rocked the stage to top of a great weekend at the Berg
Watch the Bergfest trailer
The fourth annual Bergfest is coming closer and there´s some more good news.
This year the California punk ledgends The Adolescents are gonna rock the stage at the Bergfest
Sat July, 21.
Session Tip:
Die 16. Endless Grind Session findet am Samstag, den 07.07.2012 wie immer am Schlachthof Bremen statt.
Competitions: Pool, Highjump, Weitsprung & Street wie immer mit Car-Shredding.
Außerdem super Wetter, Spitzensound von Platte & live am Pool und Skateboarding wie Du willst!!!!!!
More Info at
Check the Video for last years Session:
Forget all the digital calendar apps, just use a goog old fashioned notebook and a pen.
Ckeck out Hans Claessens shreddingthe Mechelen skatepark.
The Bergfest 2012 is coming up really soon: 20-21.07.2012!!!
Don´t miss some of the top pros from Europe and the US and some noisy Bands.
More news and info here:
Check this cool review of last years Bergfest
Robin Mentrup speedy lipslide in the Monster Bowl – Berg Fidel Skatepark
Randy Hansen playing Jimy Hendrix at Hot Jazz Club in Münster.
If you like Jimy Hendrix and have the chance to see Randy Hansen play,do it.
Great show and great musican.
Check the below video with an interview of Randy Hansen.
Check out this new film about photographer Anton Corbijn:
Check out the Campus Ramp Jam:
„to carry on the tradition of Karlsruhes Vert-Contests like the GreenRamp Jam and the Fest-Cups (RIP) we will have the first contest on the Campus-Ramp June 9th, 2012.
The Ramp is located on the Campus of the University of Karlsruhe (KIT).
The ramp is 9 meters wide, 3 meters transition, 0,30 meters vert, 2 opposing extentions with 0,5 meters vert each 2 meters wide, metalcoping, Skatesmart surface.“
Check out the preview of the Koloss Tross Tour to Berlin.
Full article in the upcoming issue #14 of Bailgun Magazine – out soon.