Mark Seliger on Reserve Channel

Mark Seliger´s interview series Capture on the Reserve Channel has a couple of new episodes, one of the latest shows feature Ben Lowy, award-winning war photographer and Mikhail „Misha“ Baryshnikov, one of the best male dancers in the world as guests.
Lowy shares his experiences in Iraq and Libya, while Baryshnikov explains his transition from in front of the camera to behind the lens.

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DIY: Books – Zines

WÄREWOLF Zine send me theis current issue and it´s worth cheing out.
It´s done in true DIY style: photocopied, stapled, A6 format
Check out more about Wärewolf Zine on their blog

If you´re more into coffeetable books and photography this one might be for you.
Photographer Richard Gilligan did a book portraing concrete DIY projects all over the world with his very own perspective on the spot showing it in a unique and diffretn way then you would normally see those spots.
Here´s an interview with Richard where he talks about the book and more.

New Bailgun Shirts

We printed some new Bailgun shirts today. Classic Bailgun logo in two colors –
Concrete and Dark Concrete. Shirts will be available from next week.
More cool stuff soon.