Baustop – the builders mag

Baustop auszuegeOnce in a while you may have one of these dejà vu, thinking „wait a moment – have I skated this before?“. As this usually happens in component-built skateparks – Baustop happens to deal with the exact opposite: It is about custom skatepark building and it is about the people who build it. A dejà vu as the people involved are the guys that formally produced the famous German „Boardstein“-mag (RIP). And many of them are involved in custom skatepark design and building today, so they decided to do a proper builder mag – and here it is. Limited to 750 zines with 256 (!) A5 pages it is almost sold out so if you want to pick up your copy for a donation of 5 or or preferably more Euros you should get in touch with the right people.

Bailgun Issue #19 is online now.

Welcome to Bailgun issue #19
In this issue we´ll go roadtripping with a Colorado crew to skate
some Oregon concrete and check out the brand new Streetdome
skatepark in Harderslev Denmark and a cool DIY spot in northern
Next up we´ll visit some backyard pools in Denver and
finish this issue with an interview with up and coming ripper
Johannes Haist.
Enjoy issue #19


Thomas Kalak Photo Exhibition

Thomas Kalak Photo Exhibition

I checked out Thomas Kalaks photo exhibition this Friday and ran into some old buddies I hadn´t seen for a while – good time seeing these guys and talking about some fun stories.
Thomas was one of the best vert rollerskaters in the 80´s and early 90´s and also shot photos
for the Monster Skateboard Magazine.
He moved on to shoot a lot of comercial stuff in the 90´s and does mostly art projects nowadays.
This exhibition showed a recent project where he documented the work on archaeology sites.
For more info check out his website

Thomas (right) introducing his work and showing some examples from his book.


Markus Rüsenberg and Helge Tscharn talking art or skating



Hanging out with old buddies you haven´t seen for years is the best. Thomas Kalak, Markus König, Helge Tscharn, Bärty Bruns

… and having a good laugh about some fun stories.


Some pages from the Book:







See the exhibition here:

Thomas Kalak – Archäologie

Ausstellungshalle Hawerkamp

Am Hawerkamp 31

48155 Münster

31.10.14 – 23.11.14

Sa. und So. 15:00 – 19:00 Uhr

und nach tel. Vereinbarung: 0179 – 5490066

Issue #18 online now!!!

Check out Bailgun issue #18 just click below:

Welcome to Bailgun issue #18 In this issue we´ll do some more traveling. On the list is Mexico with Steven Bailey and Brandon Perelson, spotchecks from Denver and Seattle, contest reviews from Malmö, Sweden and Getxo, Basque Country, interviews with the Creepy Creeps from San Diego, Zach Cusano from Denver and Jürgen Horrwarth pro skater and co owner of Örly Cafe in Berlin.
Enjoy issue #18

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