#flashbackfriday Steve Bailey, smith grind at a private concrete backyard. Hemet, Ca. 2015. #stevebailey #consolidatedskateboards #grind #smithgrind #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #dontdoitarmy #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Tony Jansson perfect invert at the now gone Lasek Land pool in 2014, Encinitas, Ca. #lasekland #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #vert #handplant #invert #tonyjansson #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
It’s still cold out. Keep your head warm with a Bailgun beanie. Assorted colors available. And international shipping at affortable prices. Order here: www.bailgun.com/shop or at our friends @blackheaven_skateshop Thanks to @_raeuberin_ for being the beanie model. #bailgun #magazine #beanie #mütze #fashion #mode
First session of the year at the Berg with @theredjumpervan and @_raeuberin_ Good times! #skateboarding #bergfidel #pool #bowl #concrete #kollosskateboards #bloodmask #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Auby Taylor backside blast at Vert Attack today. #aubytaylor #skatemalmo #vertattack #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Mimi Knoop throws an egg at Vert Attack 2014. Pics from this year soooon. #vertattack #bryggeriet #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #skatemalmo #mimiknoop #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Time to develop some film. #ilford #hp5 #bw #sw #blackandwhite #analogphotography #shootfilm #35mm #jobo #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday another one of Peter Hewitt at Vert Attack 8, 2014. Flying into a high speed lipslide over the channel. #peterhewitt #vert #ramp #halfpipe #skateboarding #skatemalmo #brygerriet #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Tocotronic live at the Sputnikhalle last week. They‘re on tour, go see them! #tocotronic #live #band #gig #concert #konzert #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Peter Hewitt high speed grind at VA-8, 2014 #skateboarding #vert #ramp #halfpipe #vertattack #skatemalmo #brygerriet #peterhewitt #grind #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Nicky Guerrero boneless over the channel at VA – lX, 2015. Two more weeks till this years Vert Attack. Can‘t wait. #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #skatemalmo #nickyguerrero #brygerriet #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Miss the waves at Zavial beach. Some local getting tubed a couple weeks ago. #surf #waves #beach #water #tube #zavial #algarve #theredjumpervan#bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Lizzie Armanto about to plant her hand on the other side of the channel at VA lX 2015. #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #vertattack #frontsideinvert #lizziearmanto #skatemalmo #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
March 1st, time to get your Bailgun calendar spread with Jeff Hedges fully flapping a tuckknee invert like it’s 1988. Yeah! High Res Download at Bailgun.com #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #verkeley #ffej #handplant #invert #bailgun #magazine #calendar #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Bjoern Lillesoe with a fully locked in smith grind at Ultra Bowl, Malmö a few years ago. #skateboarding #skatemalmo #ultrabowl #pool #bowl #concrete #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Beach DIY somewhere in Portugal. #skateboarding #diy #concrete #ramp #beach #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday John Magnusson takes some time off from organizing everything at Vert Attack 9 to take some high speed runs in the ramp. FSA over the channel. Thanks John for throwing the raddest contest/session every year. Looking forward to VA-Xll #vertattack #skateboarding #vert #ramp #fsa #skatemalmo #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Yeah, we do love a nice frontside ollie. Zach Lewis interview in the current Bailgun issue. Layout by Robert Rieger www.bailgun.com #skateboarding #vert #ramp #halfpipe #ollie #keepvertdead #verkeley #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Heading towards the Algarve. #roadtrip #keepontruckin #redjumpervan #getinthevan #kolossskateboards #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography