September 2018 Bailgun calendar spread with Johannes Haist, lien air at Hans Pool. Good things don‘t last forever. This pool is history but hosted many great session while it was there. Thanks to Hans for building a backyard paradise. #omsa #omsapool #hansoffthewall #dietsches #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #backyard #minusramps #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday @sledge_instahammer rock n roll at new spot that‘s gonna be skateable soooon. It‘s a bust right now! #rockandroll #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #gunvogel #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
After work session at the Berg with Heiko Haase and a proper frontside rock. #berg #bergfidel #monsterbowl #frontsiderock #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Artist portrait with Sergej Vutuc in Berlin last week. #portrait #photography #blackandwhite #bw #sergejvutuc @sergejvutuc #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Highlight from yesterdays session at the #copenhagenopen – a jumpramp! #berlin #skateboarding #berlinopen #bailgun #magazine
If it’s too hot to skate or even watch it, checking out some art is the perfect alternative. Museum für Fotografie. #Berlin #museumfürfotografie #helmutnewtonstiftung #photography #portrait #kunstkulturundintellekt #bailgun
Novak test grind at a brand new spot. It‘s good and there‘ll be some heated sessions soon. #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #grind #gunvogel #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Testriding some new concrete today. Rad session with a good crew. More soon. #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #minusramps #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Happy belated birthday Dietsches! Keep on grinding! #omsa #dietsches #skateboarding #grind #concrete #pool #bowl #backyardpool #diy #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
August 2018 calendar spread with Max Schaaf stalefishing at the Verkeley ramp. #skateboarding #vert #verkeley #stalefish #halfpipe #ramp #maxschaaf #4q #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
What a Wurst. Clean up BBQ from yesterdays 50/50 party at the Zentrale. #whatawurst #bierenergie #schmiersuff #zentrale #kolossskateboards #bailgun #magazine
50/50 party was a rager yesterday. #bierenergie #schmiersuff #kolossskateboards #zentrale #bailgun #magazine
Sunday Sunset Session at the Berg with Lui. Always nice to have a good session with old buddies. #skateboarding #pool #bowl #bergfidel #monsterbowl #bailgun #magazine
July calendar spread with Emilio Fernandez, frontside rock on a DIY 1/4 somewhere in San Diego. Calendar download over here > #skateboarding #diy #concrete #emilofernandez #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Tom Groholski Frontside Air at Stone Edge Skatepark, Daytona Beach, FL. ca. 91 #skateboarding #concrete #pool #bowl #tomgroholski #stoneedgeskatepark #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Stoked on the new Ray Barbee record. #raybarbee #record #vinyl #analog #kenwoodkd990 #bailgun #magazine
In the mood for some Bad Brains. Play it LOUD! #badbrains #rockforlight #pma #vinyl #record #turntable #kenwoodkd990 #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Carl Wilson bluntslide over the shallow end stairs at the Malmö Bowlriders contest, 2008. #skateboarding #bowlriders #pool #bowl #concrete #malmö #stapelbäddsparken #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography