Photoexhibition next Saturday! July, 29th Come around and check out some cool photos from the FIAT-500 project. #fiat500 #peterpanofski #auto #oldtimer #restoration #photoexhibit #photography #exhibition #bailgun
Got this gem in the mail the other day. ‚First I surf to build giant thorns‘ , a book of random writings between @peraltastacy and @nblender including some art and drawings from 1983 – 2017. Go get yours from @blurbbooks #books #neilblender #staceyperalta #art #skateboarding #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Filip Labovich fliping the Bergrail at the 2017 Bergfest. #bergfest #bergfidel #bergrail #street #skateboarding #kolossskateboards #bailgun
Sebastian Reher acid droping the hip at the Berg yesterday. #monsterbowl #bergfidel #aciddrop #rollin #minusramps #skatepark #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #bailgun
More pics from the BERGFEST – Carlo Brummel shredding into well deserved 2nd place B-Group. Seen here with a clean sweeper. More pics over on #bergfest #monsterbowl #bergfidel #poolparty #pool #bowl #concrete #contest #skateboarding #sweeper #bierenergie #kolossskateboards #minusramps #bailgun
Luka Windhund with a nicely decked out front rock at the BERGFEST last weekend. See more photos and article over on the Bailgun site. #bergfest #bergfidel #poolparty #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #bailgun #kolossskateboards #minusramps #bierenergie #monsterbowl
Full Bergfest article online now with THE BEST pics and THE BEST words, yeah we know words and have pics? Pictured here: Eumel with a full speed smith grind into 1st place pro. #bergfest #bergfidel #skateboarding #poolparty #pool #bowl #concrete #kolossskateboards #minusramps #bailgun
Local shredder Tom on the way to 3rd place pro at the Bergfest 2017. Thanks to everybody who made the best poolparty happen again. It was a blast!!! #bergfest #bergfidel #skateboarding #poolparty #pool #bowl #concrete #kolossskateboards #minusramps #bailgun
Check out the Bailgun BERGFEST photoexhibition at the Bergfest today. Photos from the first Bergfest 2009 till 2016. #bailgun #bergfest #photoexhibit #bergfidel #lorenzsüd #monsterbowl
Clam before the storm. It’s Bergfest day today and it’s gonna be rad. Come around for some concrete shreddage. #bergfest #bergfidel #poolparty #pool #bowl #bierenergie #skateboarding #bailgun #kolossskateboards
Duane Peters on stage at the Bergfest 2011 #bergfest #bergfidel #monsterbowl #live #gig #concert #duanepeters #masterofdisaster #punk #kolossskateboards #bierenergie #bailgun
Sundays inspiration. #normanmailer #moonfire #weegee #martinmunkacsi #williameggelston #glenefriedman #juliusshulman #photography #photobook #bailgun
Todays task: put in new SSD and exchange optical drive with HDD. #ssd #hdd #macbookpro #ifixit #jobdone #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Thilo Nawrocki, judo air over the hip. Bergfest practice session 2011. #bergfest #bergfidel #skatepark #pool #bowl #judoair #concrete #minusramps #kolossskateboards
Mellow after work session with a cool crew at the Berg on #goskateboardingday Novak with a smith grind and Johan filming the counter shot. #bergfidel #bergfest #monsterbowl #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #smithgrind #bierenergie #kolossskateboards #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Anders Tellen blasting an air to fakie over the original #monsterbowl at the very first Bergfest 2009. Save the date for this years Bergfest – July 8th!!! #bergfest #bergfidel #monsterbowl #skatepark #kolossskateboards #minusramps #bailgun
#sunnysunday at Billerbeck skatepark today. It’s old and rough and kinda small but fun for a sunday noon session. Novak with a fronside floater over the hip. #billerbeck #skatepark #concrete #transition #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Anders Tellen droping acid at Hans‘ OMSA Pool 2.0 a couple weeks ago when temperatures were a bit higher. #omsa #hansoffthewall #minusramps #bailgun #pool #bowl #backyard #skateboarding #diy #concrete