Some new Bailgun shirts in the making. Thanks @juliluft for the cool design. Printed by @sepiar at the Zentrale. @zentrale-ms #tshirt #shirt #screenprinting #siebdruck #design #bailgun #zentrale #sepiar
2018 Bailgun Calendar in the works and out soon! #bailgun #magazine #zine #calendar #kalender #2018 #skateboarding
Düsenjäger played a rad gig at the @greenhellrecords warehouse today. #düsenjäger #punk #rock #gig #conzert #konzert #live #music #greenhellrecords #bailgun
#flashbackfriday and A late HBD to @danslash ‚taking a ride on the wild side‘, on a ramp we accidently found while we were on the road looking for something completely differend and found this miniramp in somebodys backyard and had the funnest session with the locals. #skateboarding #miniramp #ramp #diy #backyard #montygrind #bailgun
#throwbackthursday some old concert tickets. They used to look cool. #Musik #music #bands #Gigs #concert #tickets #badbrains #ramones #thecramps #devo #stifflittlefingers #slf #beastieboys #totenhosen #thumb #metallica #greenday #helgeschneider #jimmysmith #kraftwerk #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Alex Schärfe going oververt at the Pala pipes, 2004 #fullpipe #pipe #skateboarding #pala #minusramps #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Renton Millar, pivot fakie, Coburg, OZ, 2004 #rentos #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #oz #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Tony Trujillo, grinding the Marseille deepend, ca. 2002 #tonytrujillo #tnt #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #contest #marseille #grind #bailgun
#throwbackthursday Thilo Nawrocki floating a bs ollie above the deepend of Hans‘ beautyful kidney pool. #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #skateboarding #minusramps #hansoffthewall #omsa #bailgun
Kai Jabs Iocks in a smith grind at Hans‘ OMSA Pool at last sundays session. #kaijabsphotography #omsa #hanspool #hansoffthewall #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #skateboarding #grind #poolcoping #bailgun
#flashbackfriday Jürgen Horrwarth rules!!! Monty grind on a rail on his ramp a few years ago. #vert #ramp #halfpipe #skateboarding #bailgun
Happy Birthday Peter!!! Keep on shredding. Dietsches carve grinding the deepend at Hans‘ Pool. @dietsches_omsa #hanspool #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #diy #grind #dietsches #bailgun
Monday after work session at the Berg. Mathis Wenner with a fronside rock in an unusual spot. #monsterbowl #bergfidel #skatepark #pool #bowl #concrete #skateboarding #bailgun
Dowgy- Allee DIY #concrete #diy #skateboarding #quarterpipe #puddle #reflexion #analog #photography #film #120 #mediumformat #6×9 #mamiyauniversal #bailgun
Hanging photos for the „FIAT-500 Project“ exhibition. Starts about 16:00 come around. #fiat500 #photography #exhibition #bailgun
Here comes the weekend. Cheers! #bierenergie #schmiersuff #zentrale #kolossskateboards #mamiyauniversal #6×9 #mediumformat #120 #ilford #fp4 #analog #stilllife #bailgun
Yesterdays Berg session with the OG Wolfgangster grinding it down in the Monsterbowl. #bergfidel #monsterbowl #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #vert #grind #wolfganster #bailgun