Back on track after a two day repair stop due to a blown water pump bearing and some other damage in Caceres, next stop Portugal. #redjumpervan #roadtrip #getinthevan #caceres #kolossskateboards #skatanllc #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Quick reststop on the way to Portugal. Johan with a frontside pivot in some ditch in the middle of nowhere. #roadtrip #jumpervan #reststop #kolossskateboards #skateboarding #ditch #concrete #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Nice view this morning. Laredo. #roadtrip #getinthevan #surf #beach #novoflex #schnellschuss #400mm #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#flashbackfriday Sasha Müller, frontside feeble over the deathbox at Bernd Jahnel‘s old vert ramp in Moos. Had some good sessions on this ramp. #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ramp #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
It’s February, time to download the February calendar spread with Jürgen Horrwarth and a FSA in down under #bailgun #magazine #calendar #2018 #february #skateboarding #concrete #pool #bowl #fsa #NOTafrontsideindy #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Renton Millar with a picture perfect frontside ollie when Unna still had a vert ramp. It‘s a fun bowl now, so nothing to complain about. #skateboarding #vert #halfpipe #ollie #rentonmillar @rentonmillar #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Happy Birthday Claus! Boardslide to lipslide on the schoolyard near his house. This was shot for an Interview in Kingpin Magazine when it was new. Shot with a Pentax 6×7 and the 35mm fisheye. #clausgrabke #skateboarding #boardslide #kingpinmag #pentax67 #120 #analog #filmphotography #contactsheet #ilford #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Check out young ripper Camdon Davis from Hamburg in Bailgun issue #23 Camdon with a Smith grind at the IGS in Hamburg. Layout by @robertrieger #igs #skateboarding #smithgrind #pool #bowl #concrete #minusramps #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Bailgun Mag issue #23 online now. Check out the Lester Kasai interview. Lester seen here with a frontside ollie over the hip at Poods Park im Encinitas. Layout and design of issue 23 by @robertrieger #bailgun #magazine #zine #skateboarding #lesterkasai #interview #ollie #pool #bowl #concrete #gerdriegerphotography
Bailgun Mag issue #23 is online now. Layout and design by @robertrieger Check out Steven Bailey‘s full interview here: Bailey with an ollie over the hip at Valley Center, Ca. #bailgun #magazine #zine #bailey #interview #consolidatedskateboards #ollie #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete
#flashbackfriday Andre Neubert, wallride in Dortmund a few or more years ago. Shot on film with a Pentax 6×7 #skateboarding #street #wallride #minusramps #pentax67 #6×7 #mediumformat #analog #filmphotography #ilford #hp5 #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Cory Juneau with a massive FSA at the La Kantera Bowl-o-Rama contest 2014. #lakantera #gexto #algorta #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #coryjuneau #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
We’ll be watching the Bunker77 documentary at the Zentrale tomorrow, big screen and everything. Come on over and Grab a beer. #zentrale #bunker77 #bailgun #kolossskateboards
Gonna shoot some film with these two really soon!!! #pentax67 #6×7 #120 #mediumformat #nikonosv #35mm #blackandwhite #filmphotography #ilford #hp5 #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
Bailgun Calendar 2018 High Res Download: In case you missed getting the 2018 Calendar Notebook, you can download a high res version of the calendar spread, print it out your self or bring it to a print shop of your choice and have them do it and hang it on your wall. Enjoy. January and February spreads are online now.
#flashbackfriday Concrete Motel, road tripping through Oregon with Matt Grabowski, Alex Schärfe and Bernd Jahnel, in 2004 #skateboarding #roadtrip #oregon #concretemotel analog #35mm #canon #eos1n #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography
#throwbackthursday Blixa Bargeld at a Einstürzende Neubauten gig in Osnabrück last year. #einstürzendeneubauten #blixabargeld #live #concert #gig #music #onstage #bailgun #gerdriegerphotography