#flashbackfriday from Ramona, with Auby Taylor blasting Indy and a proper Smith vert. More photos on the Bailgun website. #skateboading #rumbleinramona #rumbleinramona2018 #rumbleinramona8 #aubytaylor #indyair #gunnair #handplant #halfpipe #vert #keepvertdead #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Beanies – grab one! Assorted colors available @blackheaven_skateshop #blackheavenshop #bailgun #magazine #beanies #fashion #olympuspenf
November 2018 calendar page with Steve Bailey and a smith grind on some nice pool coping and beautiful bottle cap tile, somewhere in Hemet , Ca. #bailgun #magazine #calendar #kalender #stevebailey #smithgrind #skateboarding #pool #bowl #concrete #diy #hemet #consolidatedskateboards #dontdoit #gerdriegerphotography
It‘s beanie time!!! Get your Bailgun beanie @blackheaven_skateshop #beanie #mütze #fashion #bailgun #blackheavenshop #portrait #rövardotter
#flashbackfriday Alessandro Mazzara, crossbone lien air over the channel at the Rumble 8. #rumbleinramona #rumbleinramona8 #rumboarusia2018 #keepvertdead #vert #ramp #halfpipe #skateboarding #bailgun #magazine #gerdriegerphotography
Rumble In Ramona 8
Rumble In Ramona 8
I always wanted to go to the Rumble in Ramona, all the stories, photos and videos looked like it is a super rad and fun session with a rad crew
of skaters, kinda like a backyard version of Malmö´s Vert Attack, the way it should be.
And finally this year the timing was right, to check out this legendary session first hand.
The weahter gods seemed not so stoked on this years Rumble because after some rad skating all day long on Friday, it was time for the SKELLTON KEY
video premier and as the video started, the first drops of rain fell onto the ramp and after the video was about halfway through it was pouring
down with some thunder and lightning, so it was finally time pack up. The video is a must see! Good mix of skaters, spots and skating.
Saturday was the main day for the session but the wether looked pretty wet with low clouds hanging over the ramp and after a few short shower
breaks the session was full on well into the night.
This year had all emotions covered: Rain and shine, smiles and anger, hugs and flying fists, slams, collisions and rad makes that seemed impossible.
Thanks to Darren Naverette for hosting the Rumble over the years!
How much vert? 2 or 3 foot? Does it matter?
Auby Taylor – Indy Air > Smith Vert
Mattew Wilcox – Madonna
Archer Braun – Disaster
Josh Rodriguez – Front Blunt
Marcel „Gnarcel“ – FSA
Steve Mc Kaig – Frontside Channel Plant
Will Cortez – Stalefish
Zach Miller – FSA
Steve Mc Kaig – Eggplant
Kaito Hashimoto Osaka – Texas Plant
Colin Graham – Boneless Boost all the way over the channel
Archer Braun – ollie 50/50 ollie out
Skelleton Key video premier