The brand new Bailgun Shirts are available now!!!You can order them from the friendly folks at The shirt graphic is a homage to the beautiful Olympus Pen F, the smallest 35mm SLR camera.Thanks to Alex for drawing the design for the shirt and Benjamin Gauda for the high quality screen print. The Shirts are certified by the Fairwear Foundation! @koloss_skateboards @aexelette #Bailgun #T-Shirt #OlympusPen

The brand new Bailgun Shirts are available now!!!
You can order them from the friendly folks at 
The shirt graphic is a homage to the beautiful Olympus Pen F, the smallest 35mm SLR camera.
Thanks to Alex for drawing the design for the shirt and Benjamin Gauda for the high quality screen print. The Shirts are certified by the Fairwear Foundation! @koloss_skateboards @aexelette #Bailgun #T-Shirt #OlympusPen