Here´s some more info from Donald Campbell:
HEY FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so we are back on track with the 3rd annual best of both contest series slated for august 28th.
if you think you know it all be prepared for a gigantic surprise.
we were so busy during the year and we do have a new bowl at hand to say so.
PAVEL and DIETSCHES POOLS are proud to present the twin brother of the old factory pool.
now its a combi-pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the new section sports an oververt corner,love seat,9ft deep,lots of vert,a gnarly hip,stone coping,tiles-whatever you want you got it.
thanks go also to carhartt especially tima and lars
this year we got some nice donations from our sponsors including a 3k prize purse,a fantastic 4k value custom rockstar guitar,some decent stuff
from carhartt and reel including cruiser bikes and more.
so be there when the swedish,austrian,american invasion takes place at the newly done pool sections.
lets see who carries the most away this year.
special events and awards will be:gnarliest transfer,best oldschool trick,highest air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be part of the competiton and grab some free stuff or simply just hang out for the day and witness some of the gnarliest skating this year in germany.
check out our big after contest party with lots of booze and girls and freaks.
entry fee is 30 euros per rider and we start at doors are open from 8am till 2 am next day
that shit is covered in the mags and it surely will kick ass big time this year.
pictures of the new pool section to be released soon-we had to keep it a secret til the last minute….
stay tuned for more and make sure you don’t miss out on that one