Ultra Bowl III results

Just got back from a great weekend at the Malmö Ultra Bowl III.
More photos of the contest in Bailgun issue #13 very soon.
Check the results below.
For More infos click here

Steven Reeves – fs air on the bank


1. Kevin Kowalski
2. Brad McClain
3. Ben Hatchell
4. Cody Lockwood
5. Steven Reeves
6. Andy Macdonald


1. Nicky Guerrero
2. Sean Goff
3. Paul Atkins
4. Lester Kasai
5. Sasha Steinhorst
6. Dave Toms

Betongcupen overall

1. Mika Edin

Get Set Go

1. Emma Lindgren
2. My Magnusson
3. Maria Lima
4. Ashley Rehfold
5. Katta Sterner
6. Stephani Nurding

Freestyle World Championships

1. Stefan “Lillis” Åkesson
2. Greyson Ashton
3. Guenter Mokulys
4. Albert Kuncz
5. Per Canguru
6. Rene Shigueto